I’m very sad they are closing shop, but I understand it.
I find their last DLC awfully expensive, but I think I’ll buy them anyway, as I really loved all their games (bought desperados 3 day 1, same for shadow gambit, and no regrets).
Their games were crafted with love, and it shows. If you haven’t, go and try them on, it’s a fun genre.
I started playing because I had nostalgia for the commandos games, but they really refined the gameplay and made the different difficulty modes so everyone can have fun.
I highly recommend it, its a very good game.
I don’t think it goes with the vibe of the game, it would disrupt the factory too much
They hint that the drilling awakens something, so I’m guessing different enemy
but it started splitting my commits in chunks
Wait, it can split commits ? I thought you “just” used a LLM to write the messages, but it can also act on the commits ?
How did you achieve this?
I’m really curious to see examples of commit messages.
And more details on how you achieved it, I’d like to give it a go myself, as some of my coworkers commit messages are less than stellar.
Does it write in the conventional commit formalism ?
An article of clothing can’t be religious on its own
Really? What about a kippa ? Or a priest’s robes ?
The kippa is forbidden in french schools for this very same reason, it signals religion.
Loose fitting dresses are not forbidden, abayas are. They are a specific kind of loose fitting dresses. One that signals religion.
I don’t see them working as a fashion article, but that may just be my taste.
I disagree, the Abaya is not just a flowing robe.
It is a garment that is required by the Sharia law (see Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries where women are not allowed to choose what they wear).
Allowing this is the first step in letting religion in the public schools in France, where it has always been explicitly banned.
And it is very unlike banning rainbows, those are a symbol used to promote acceptance of the diversity of others, something religions struggle with (ever notice how religion is closely tied with extremism?)
Another factor to take into account is that these young girl may be forced by their family to wear such a garment, imposing upon them something they may not be old enough to refuse.
Also, look up the paradox of intolerance, as allowing anyone to do as they please causes the rise of extremism.
Yes, and Red Alert 2 as well (since it runs on the same-ish engine).
I’ve been hoping for this since the release of the remastered versions of the original C&C and Red Alert.
Factorio is one of the very few games that has a demo though.
The free demo allows you to figure out if you enjoy the mechanics of the game, and if you don’t, you do not end up with more bloat in your library.
I’ll explain as if your first language is not English.
Dry means something that has no moisture in it, like sand can be dry or wet.
Obviously something dry contains no moisture or liquids.
A Martini is a cocktail, mixed from mostly gin and vermouth. In this context, dry means “little vermouth”, so the taste of the gin is most prevalent.
So the joke is between the two different meanings of the word, as obviously a dry cocktail makes no sense if you take the first meaning of the word.