A brand new 3+ blade razor does wonders and is easier than you’d think - however it is very temporary and because of this a very seasonal affair.
When the warmer weather approaches, the naked mole rat shines.
Welp. I think I’ll stick to writing to the local paper if I need to sign in blood to have a public opinion.
If you step in enough shit you eventually learn to realise when you are about to step in it again. I think the most knowledgeable people are those that have failed the most and found something helpful along the way, seems you are well on your journey so just keep steeping. At some point the abstractions you have control over become unreliable until you understand how they interact with lower level systems and the balance of control comes back because you know know the circumstances in which these abstractions work in your favour.
This is so stupid it’s great
Named groups are nice but can I please define a group more than once because maybe I want to group my data and consolidate values in a logical way without you complaining I have already used a group previously. I know I did, I’m the one telling you, now capture it twice!
What the actual fuck
I thought I was in programming_humor ngl. We’ve all been there friend
Every bug is an opportunity to learn. Learn about the language, the code base or about yourself. Today you learned about yourself.
So we can see ads 24/7 in every space?
New phone who dis?
Was there anything particularly wrong with json schema? Aside from being a validator and not a “language”.
Acts like this only add more years of generational hatred to the mix and deal future counter attacks. Then surprised pickachu when it happens and clutching of pearls.
Depending on your VCS of choice you could write “⛔️Change Requested” which strikes fear in all developers as another round of feedback and review is needed on your pull request.
If you are interested in CG/VFX jobs might be worth making connections at https://mailchi.mp/939092d591b8/vfx-stammtisch
Do you start recording before or after you rage with expletives?
That’s a shame, I was considering the same model.