Real American question
Real American question
Much of Japan is very very clean in general. People take a lot of pride in that!
Surprised to see Japan at ~40
We do a lot of archipelago (A9O as we call it, cuz it’s shorter to write and there’s 9 letters between… Hoping it catches on).
Factorio is a staple in it. Minecraft too!
Denmark checking in, it was like $3 USD for 10 eggs yesterday, and Denmark isn’t cheap
I do feel for you, I know life in the US has gotten much worse recently and I feel that’s accelerating.
I’m not so sure life in China is better per se, but it is different.
I will probably blanket statement this and say life in the EU seems a lot better than in the US now, though with plenty of problems depending on where you go. I say this as someone who left the US for the EU.
I lived and worked outside Shanghai for a bit, but it was a while ago and probably has changed a good bit. What makes you think their lives are far better off than those in the states?
Not necessarily disagreeing, but it absolutely was not the case 15 years ago. American life is on a downhill though, zero argument there.
Yeah, it’s 1.0 now and has a lot of content for the price/dev count
Just grabbed Thronefall and have been playing on the Deck a lot. It’s really fun; tower defense meets RTS with great economy. You’re always debating defenses vs scaling and some of the challenges are downright hard
Yeah, especially switching between Xbox and Nintendo mapping with A and B swapped
I don’t have a solution, just pain as well
Ah the link up there, The Room
Oh man you’re in for a great time.
See if there’s a live showing of it near you. It’s kinda like Rocky Horror Picture Show? Cult classic, lots of audience interaction when shown live. It’s earnestly bad but that’s what makes it good
I have the J Saux dock. I hate how aggressive their marketing is, very astroturfy, but it has been good for my deck with some peripherals.
Dumb question, you full restarted the system already yeah?
Surely that attachment is significantly stronger than the sidewall. Even if you tried I think you’d just split the sides along the spiral impression and couldn’t launch the top
They’re self rising Pillsbury biscuits (or similar). Not what Americans call cookies that Brits call biscuits
And yeah, they come in a tube. The plastic/papery wrap is structural to keeping the pressure on them. It’s pretty neat packaging design. This is the first I’ve heard of the little pop being considered scary though
100% agree and think you’re slightly underselling it