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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • security

    You mean the NSA chip? Aight

    Tiling is better



    There are 0 people on the planet using touchscreen desktop OS what the fuck are you smoking

    Android app support

    Finally firefox for android is for windows


    Literally no difference

    Better performance

    Simply untrue

    I know you didn’t mean to click on the upgrade button, but don’t make other people make the same mistake you did just to make yourself feel better.

    Also they put the start button in the wrong place wtf

  • Please read upon actual history before pretending to know any of it. Every nation you mentioned slaughtered their minorities, it is intrinsic to the ideology, a core foundation. Communism without unchecked violence, aggression and ethnic cleansing isn’t communism.

    Also loving the token Whataboutism™ at the end, sign of a true tankie lmao, y-y-yes all communist nations have cleaned off their trans folk b-b-but there are some liberal nations too that did it, even though liberalism is the only ideology that has the capability to support a non-violent society lmao get fucked transphobe.

  • Wow the lengths commies go to deny actual genocide.

    We all know communism is an ideology strictly for the uneducated and violent, why try so hard to make it seem like something else? The countless sexual and ethnic minorities murdered by communism due to its inherent hateful nature is something only the nazis on the other end of the fascism-spectrum rivaled.

  • would be decried as Socialism and Communism in the United States

    Ok? If the definition of communism is whatever Americans decry as socialist/communist, then a whole lotta things are communist.

    The free market didn’t fix the housing crisis the government did.

    Your point being? That Finland isn’t a capitalist country? That wide social safety nets can’t exist within a capitalist society? Real Communism™ are the things capitalist countries do that end up being good, while somehow actual communist countries aren’t real communist countries since they ended up shafted? Any other borderline psychotic conclusion you want me to jump to or is this all?