• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Ill add. My now passed grandfather raised me.

    He was a pacifist durimg the second world war. He and many were forced to mine resorces. As they refused to fight. As he was an engineer he was eventually reasigned to other work. Aircraft instrament manufacture at smiths.

    But at no point did he think the UK should just allow germany to take over.

    He just knew he was not able to fight himself. This was a commonf feeling among those conscripted during the second world war. And will always be a risk whe. A mation needs to defend itself from agressors.

    Not all of a nations people are best suited to fight.

  • Late 1990s my uni had unix workstations HPUX.

    So all projects etc were expected to be done on those. Linux at the time was the easy way to do it from home.

    By the time I left uni in 98. I was so used to it windows was a pain in the butt.

    For most of the time since I have been almost 100% linux. With just a dual boot to sort some hardware/firmware crap.

    Ham radio to this day. Many products can only do updates with windows.

  • With the amount of open bed, cheaper printers, a lot. Keeping them inside does not prevent them from entering the environment. As well we need to breath to start with, so airflow will take it outside. Add vacuum cleaning and waste disposal. Unless the plastics are trapped and melted into larger clumps. They get into the environment. This is why they are so dangerous.

    Even with enclosed printers. Unless very well filtered and some plan for disposal of that filter that prevents this. It’s just an extra delay.

    Some plastic types are better than others. And I honestly think development of thermo plastic replacements is better than stopping 3d printing.