All of EU is adopting this practice to comply with the EU Price Indication Directive.
All of EU is adopting this practice to comply with the EU Price Indication Directive.
Trad West
Did you share a meme from a fascist page on purpose?
A 21 year old child.
Pretty sure Windows Defender is fine now and not markedly worse than something like Bitdefender. I gave up on Bitdefender when they ended the free version with no advance warning
I just use public trackers and streaming, don’t even know what half of these are, lol was performative useless garbage anyway, if any site can just ask your paywalling bypass site to not bypass their paywall, what is the point of your site
Free speech in the OnLy DeMoCrAcY In ThE MidDlE EaSt.
I’ll have to save this image for the next time someone does this shit.
8bitdo Ultimate 2.4 Ghz, it connects with a dongle, but if you update the firmware you can use Bluetooth as well, even though they don’t advertise it. You can also go with the Ultimate C 2.4 Ghz which doesn’t have the back buttons or mappable buttons (I don’t even know if 8bitdo’s Ultimate software works on Linux) to save some money.
Wow, I knew the “History” Channel was a trainwreck, but didn’t know it was that bad.
you’re taking pride in bootlegging content?
Why are people such massive dorks now when it comes to piracy, fuck off
this guy who’s literally dying in front of our eyes
I’m sure they’ll say the hospital was full of human shields
Finland, Sweden, Spain, France, etc. etc.
Robot. I even made a tiled wallpaper
I’d argue that the fake meat stuff has hurt veganism to at least some extent because it’s marketed so heavily and people think it’s the only way to eat vegan. You can see how prominent the ”all vegan food is processed” and ”it’s too expensive to be vegan” arguments have become, even in this thread.
Nice internet tough guy shit at the end there
Why not both?