I know that if I go to my own library on desktop, I can download actual files and move them around and do whatever I want with them, I thought maybe that was why I couldn’t find the download to watch later option, so I went to a shared library, and the option isn’t there either. you can see where the option exists on mobile
I think for the download option on the mobile app you need the Plex Pass. Do you have it?
yeah, lifetime. hence the other screenshot showing the download button working in a different scenario
the person I’m trying to download from might not have it though.
Could be a setting on their end, I have downloads enabled, but they may not.
Are both screenshots from the same library?
The shared library probably doesn’t allow downloads.
they’re not from the same library, but my own Library doesn’t have the button either, only on the desktop site.
Are you using the browser or the desktop app?
Does this page have your answer? https://support.plex.tv/articles/downloads-overview/
It does seem easiest to use your filesystem and just play them with VLC. Is there a reason you don’t like that option?