everyone knows, there’s a certain amount of fucking around you get for free. the real problem is that the finding out part can happen quick, and seem to come out of nowhere.
everyone knows, there’s a certain amount of fucking around you get for free. the real problem is that the finding out part can happen quick, and seem to come out of nowhere.
generally computers won’t stop doing things they were already capable of doing. tons of machines and businesses may rely on older hardware and software to complete specific tasks.
but yeah, a 486 is pretty past its prime, and the task could have been accomplished on something far more modern.
let’s not just reference it and move on.
let’s show them doing it.
and let’s explore what it is they were saying specifically. they believe that Mr. Rogers was a ‘evil, evil, man’, because he told young kids ‘everyone is special’.
that’s what these evil, evil, people took issue with. a person on public television, not motivated by stacks of money, told some young kids they were worth something.
i also want to point out that this is the man they called evil. a man who went before one of the most powerful governments in the world, and talked about what was important to him.
in and of itself that’s not that unusual. people do it all the time. what made this time different is what was important to that person, and more specifically why it should be important to all of us.
They’ve been doing it for a very long time now. I’m currently using a 2015 model, Dell Tablet. It has Linux support. Cost me about $250 (with a copy of W10 Pro), a few years back. I also got it with the hard shell keyboard dock, effectively making it a net book.
It’s been a great device, but probably isn’t what OP is looking for.
you ever notice that Batman’s relationship with Robins is similar to Joker’s relationship with Harleys.
You thought you were the first? You won’t even be the last.
it is true that the founding fathers could not have foreseen the invention of more modern firearms, let alone the idea of semi and fully automatic firearms. but they did clearly envision that a armed populace was a good thing. they also fairly clearly envisioned it as a equally armed type of thing. what was modern then would be considered antique and primitive just a short century later. but the spirit of the amendment still comes through fairly clearly.
in the case of modern society, fully automatic weapons are heavily regulated and are not, in general, in the hands of the populace. true some can be modified, but to be caught with such a weapon, is going to bar you from legally having any sort of firearm, as it’s a felony.
most of the old coke machines use the code 4 2 3 1. these buttons are from the top selection button to the fourth. one will be a back button, another will be the accept button, and the other two will be your up and down buttons.
even if most of the machines are locked out, you’ll usually be able to see a few stats on the machine. kind of fun to mess with.
Border Police opened fire indiscriminately at a vehicle that tried to burst through a checkpoint.
i like how they try to make it sound like the Israelis fired for no reason whatsoever, yet the vehicle tried to run through a checkpoint. that gets you shot at a large number of borders.
it’s sad that the little girl died. i think we can all agree on that.
Narrator: A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don’t do one.
Woman on Plane: Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?
Narrator: You wouldn’t believe.
Woman on Plane: Which car company do you work for?
Narrator: A major one.
either delete the data, or move it.
those are really your only options. if the drive you’re talking about is the only one in your PC, it needs some free space to do it’s thing. mechanical hard drives are pretty cheap and abundant. check with whatever is local to you, about used ones if you need something on the cheap. even new ones in the 1TB range are pretty cheap though.
for those curious, it would be something along the lines of a AthlonXP and a Geforce 6000 series. there were Win98 drivers for that stuff.
they should be fine. they run on Source. the first game is a bit redundant these days, as all the content was added to the second game.
your Google-Fu is a bit weak.
probably not a good idea to attack them and take hostages then.
i think that’s a smart move on their part.
the CP2077 launch was rocky, but most of their previous games haven’t had that level of hype. The Witcher 3 taking off like it did, gave them the confidence to go bigger. CP2077 is in a great place now, even if it didn’t start that way.
really? i’ve been using SXM for over a decade. i’ve never seen a company that is so desperate to keep their customers. they’ll do pretty much anything you ask of them.
tired of paying the bill? then don’t. they’ll cut it off after a few months. then they’ll call and be willing to forgive the past bill, cut you back on, and you probably won’t even have to pay it for another month or two.
whenever whatever deal i’m on expires, i simply call them up and tell them i’m thinking about cancelling. they’ll usually offer something like service for $5 a month, if i’ll pay for 6 months at a time or something.
i’ve never had even a hint of trouble with them in the last decade.
beer goes in, piss comes out. you can’t explain that.
nah, some of us were making fun of this moment even back then.
it’s been awhile since i dove into Linux, but last time i dabbled i was liking Kubuntu.