I think of it as another bug in the Human Build 1.0, along with getting an eyelash in your eye and tripping over nothing. Once 2.0 comes out they will surely have all this stuff fixed.
breast cancer survivor, web dev professional, succulents, gaming, yarn crafts, 3d printing, and my sweet senior pug.
I think of it as another bug in the Human Build 1.0, along with getting an eyelash in your eye and tripping over nothing. Once 2.0 comes out they will surely have all this stuff fixed.
I don’t have a guild to host for anymore, but I used to host one years ago and it was solid as a rock. I am glad mumble is still going strong
I am not sure if I should feel insulted or thankful that I just gained a new perspective.
Its been ages for me, so I may be incorrect now. I think the chat is not persistent and I am pretty sure there is no channels. Its most definitely not set up how discord is where its more of a chat client that has voice rather than a voice client that has chat.
man I wish mumble had a better interface and a chat function, it could real FOSS competition with Discord, but the lack of a chat feature is holding it back
I remember SVN