It also probably causes a huge itch with all of the guys that say you absolutely must prime your filter each and every time you change because you never want it to run dry or the engine will literally explode.
You cannot prime a top mounted filter. I mean, you can try, but you won’t get the results you want lol
This car has 257,000 miles, and I promise you this thing has never received a primed oil filter. I bet the bearings are in great shape. I bet the rings fail long before the bearings do.
It’s an H22A in a Prelude Type SH. But the valve cover between the B and H do look very similar.
engine pics
There is no room to get to the oil filter from the bottom. Believe me. I tried. This engine mounts it up top to make room for the ATTS unit. The base Preludes, however, do have side-mounted oil filters that are significantly easier to reach. The filter on my R-series Civic is bottom-mounted and super easy to reach. But yeah, this guy was a true PITA.
I snapped this after I found it. I’m a fairly honest dude. I wouldn’t say find the thing that isn’t in the picture lol It’s the blue canister in the center bottom of the pic. You’ll see it just left of the brake master ;)