A room with an upper storey balcony and a dodgy window latch?
A room with an upper storey balcony and a dodgy window latch?
It’s a concept of a concept of a plan. Maybe.
Eastern European Riviera
Sharing your hotdesk, at the same time.
This light indicates that the left half of the vehicle is parked illegally.
A third what?
Thanks for the examples
The field isn’t located at the north or south pole - you’re not 400km away from it, you’re immersed inside the field, and your compass is showing the local alignment of that field.
Just about anything with an EM field of its own will be stronger than that.
The earth’s magnetic field is much weaker than a simple coil in a transformer, as can be easily demonstrated by holding a compass near said device and watching the needle align with that instead of the earth.
Found Sarah Jessica Parker’s lemmy account
Yep. The iris is an SGC addition to the gate
caused by wreckless speeding driver
The driver may have been reckless (irresponsible), but the incident was not wreckless (lacking a wreck)
What about writing in xml without any passion ?
As with smoking, vaping can be very irritating to people nearby who don’t want to smoke, so it’s not simply a matter of letting people do what they want, it’s about behaving in a manner that is socially acceptable when living among other people.
Looks like eropagnis to me. A bit lost though.
They’re also quite a bit larger on the inside than they are on the outside. Some tardis technology there no doubt.
Clear, as in all the garbage has been cleared up, leaving the good stuff behind
There is / There are (with the wrong pluralisation)
So often…so so often.