How so?
Sounds like your high school sucked lol
We have the coils too, except we call it a measuring tape.
We also have have a flexible soft version used for measuring human proportions for clothing, but it’s called a “tape measure” for some reason.
I wish we had the foldable kind, that sounds useful.
But also if someone is fishing for reassurance and keep getting it, they’ll keep doing it.
If someone really is being unreasonable and is fishing for reassurance, the responsible thing is to tell them nicely what you really think.
It was Stalin who systematically made the famine worse in Ukraine to break them. I learned about it in High School history class.
Except to, y’know, influence elections and culture and shit.
That said, Facebook and Google are worse.
They also think you’re rude if you don’t have an iPhone. What a weird generation.
How about all the dead in the cultural revolution?
Does anybody have that image of Google as Lionel hutz’ advertisement from the Simpsons?
Don’t be evil?
No, Selling Data!
Genocide is a controversial term.
Even today, people contest the Armenian genocide, and Ukrainian genocide (holodomir). Even the Holocaust.
This is a common ruler where you live?
In my country we have rulers with 12 in/ ~30cm as the most common. We also have “yardstick” which is more often a meter stick now. But no foldable rulers.
Huh. In California the legal minimum is 0?
Also are these map colors impossible to read correctly on your screen or is it just me?
I thought Blockchain was how the protocol knew how to federate, e.g. where to find other users. (?) I don’t really remember how Blockchain works but iirc it is a way to verify trust, e.g. this person really is /u/sem because our shared document says they are.
I know DNS is an alternative but it kind of sucks. Bluesky is inventing it’s open DiD thing for identity and it is centralized in practice but might be a good system. And I have no idea how it works.
Sounds like an interesting thing to try! I do think it might tend to group users into a groupthink / exclusion mentality, maybe, or maybe it won’t, but definitely cool idea.
I’ve seen plenty of mod drama / trolls over the years, seems like a fundamentally human problem, kind of like good vs evil in a way, almost impossible for one side to win over the other.
I think it’s pretty well studied that pseudonyms are much better for human interaction than true anonymity. I’m not a social scientist though so I don’t have the references offhand.
It can be fun to be anonymous but there’s a reason Yikyak shutdown, 4chan, 8chan are how they are, etc. they just don’t tend to work well long term.
With pseudonyms ban evasion is possible but registering an account is at least some friction deterring some bad behavior, and mods have more tools. And on the other side you do have some reputation building that occurs when people have stable usernames.
Thanks for your thoughts on this.
I am not sure how Matrix handles keys but it is a real headache for end users. For me at least
With openid, etc, it’s decentralized compared with centralized and distributed, so you wouldn’t get stuck with one openid provider.
I don’t know much about any of these so thanks for developing for the rest of us.
Seconding sending an email. SMB for big stuff.