I use Aegis like several others here and then backup my codes to a Cryptomator vault which I can then sync online for cloud backup
Board game designer & web developer
I use Aegis like several others here and then backup my codes to a Cryptomator vault which I can then sync online for cloud backup
I’ve spun up Gitea in my homelab as well as at work and don’t recall being difficult so perhaps they fixed whatever was causing your issue
This is exactly my backup strategy even using cryptomator for a cloud backup. My PC and kiddos laptops are all linux so have no worries about needing a Windows machine for recovery and even if all systems died I could always use a live distro to boot elsewhere and access my files.
Yep, was going to say that refactoring my own code taught me a lot
Looks like Gear Lever is more actively maintained too; thanks for sharing!
In 11-12th grades I played a lot of card tournaments (mostly Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh) eventually ending up as the one running the competitions for our local groups and learned HTML so I could maintain a simple site with rankings etc. This led to people asking me for tech favors fixing random stuff and eventually into various web projects where I got into CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL, etc.
Building automation to play SpaceTraders as well as tools to aid in board game design
Yes; this.
I personally went with Proton Mail which even has an easy way to import your existing Gmail emails into your new Proton Mail account so they’re still all in one place.
I self host Tiny Tiny RSS preferring to get feeds directly from their source and listen via VLC on Android or Audacious on PC
Yep, I have a decently large free dropbox account and just use Cryptomator to continue using it