How much do the drones cost Iran? $10M a piece to take them down is crazy expensive. If Iran can churn these out at $1m a pop, they can out produce the defense.
How much do the drones cost Iran? $10M a piece to take them down is crazy expensive. If Iran can churn these out at $1m a pop, they can out produce the defense.
Copy the url, then try stopping the telegram app. See if incognito still detects the app. I know discord web on PC will detect a running discord app by connecting to a local listening port. Not sure if that’s possible on mobile but if you terminate the app it should prevent that.
Security as an excuse to be secretive is almost always a misdirection from the real cause. Esp when it involves a private company selling the “security”.
Civil rights groups are critical to keep tabs on this shit.
I’m hopeful this is just someone being wholesome and funny
What the fuck, I had no idea about betterhelp being so scummy.
So sad they were so close to saving him.
Well yeah, cest ne pas une pipe
I ask for one if I suspect they’ll get my order wrong and I have a paper trail.