Marketer. Photographer. Husband & dad. Lego, Minecraft, & Preds hockey fan. Movie buff, but pls #NoSpoilers!
Also Also Also Used to be @pwnicholson on IG, FB, TW, etc
I wonder if this has anything to do with ThePosterDB going down recently
From what I’m seeing, the image itself is just 128x128. I don’t use those clients, but it looks like they would render any square image that way (taking up a lot of space). Looks like a client problem, not OPs problem maybe?
As a professional marketer and advertiser, that’s not correct.
What keeps them from doing it is that most high-dollar advertisers don’t want their ads/brand appearing next to NSFW content.
It’s probably more difficult for Reddit to filter out NSFW ad impressions rather than just let ads appear anywhere. But advertisers demand it, so they have to do it to get the dollars.
Your explanation says that a post with 100k actually has 20k. What this guy is saying is that it does actually have 100k.