Smart. Take the fish to make the warden think you won’t escape, then when they let their guard down you squeeze through the bar’s massive gap.
Smart. Take the fish to make the warden think you won’t escape, then when they let their guard down you squeeze through the bar’s massive gap.
Subnautica -1 then
I hope they balance it for both singleplayer and multiplayer. Lots of multiplayer survival game tend to balanced with multiplayer in mind, making resource collection for singleplayer tedious.
Ya Below Zero isn’t named 2 for some reason.
At a glance i thought it’s a new trailer for Subnautica 2, now i’m very disappointed.
It’s a good thing i have a weak memory ehh 🤣
I think i’ve played most arkane game up till prey, i heard deathloop is their last good game but it’s also a hit and miss. Prey is super good as well, i think i did like 3 or 4 playthrough, still haven’t play mooncrash though but it’s definitely on my list.
Started to replay Dishonored again to catch up with the story before playing death of outsider. Such a great series. .
>30min away by bus could sometime mean adding 30/40 min to wait time. Bus in a lot of places is awful as they have a route to follow and still stuck in traffic. Bad bus frequency is very common in places with shitty public transport.
On the other hand, depend on where you live, pedal assist ebike is awesome and you are less likely arrive sweaty, even if >30min away.
As a blue collar, office dresscode is weird as heck. They want you to dress like you’re going to a ball, yet most of them just sit in front of the computer whole day without facing any customer.
Apparently a kilocalorie(kcal) is equivalent of a thousand calorie, and because the actual calorie value is so small in terms of nutrition, the term basically used in the same way as kilocalorie.
So you just bite the can and let it spill into your mouth?
Gonna get into heil speed chase
And nobody will answer.
Pirated DVD copy of AI generated dub
Hey, resting is hard to come by and it takes a lot of effort to do just that you know.
But are you sure?