It’s disgusting. Is it? Honey comes from a bee’s behind. Milk comes from a COW’S behind. And have you ever used toothpaste?
It’s disgusting. Is it? Honey comes from a bee’s behind. Milk comes from a COW’S behind. And have you ever used toothpaste?
Try being 37. what was a simple half marathon in your 20s becomes a painful reminder of your physical decline.
No just those Kroepoek chips in communion wafer form
Yeah, it’s a MICRO-blogging service for a reason
The entomologists will not be happy about their ant plantform being used for porn
How is skywriting so low on the list?
Didn’t deepseek solve some of the data wall problems by creating good chain of thought data with an intermediate RL model. That approach should work with the tried and tested scaling laws just using much more compute.
doesn’t deepseek work on that though with their janus models?
Have a newer one from 2019.They use the least energy efficient bulbs that are still for sale in the EU. Energy class G.
Striking Viper X from Black Mirror
Something something Plato’s cave
The LFS users are still busy growing their coffee plant
Yay you are unicode encoding error years old!
NCD would probably be delighted to have something that can be turned into multiple rods from god
The carton is nice an all. But imagine taping an ublock origin poster over all of these ads.
It comes in an overfull hbox
A GPT-4 level language model and current Flux dev can easily run on a standard M3 MacBook Air via ggml.
Pawh. I do not consume existential horror. It consumes me.
That’s the (Christmas) spirit!
People with a single lever mixer tap:
Look what they need to Imitate a fraction of our power