Clear your mind. Simply “be” the screws. Do not aim for completion, for one is never complete. Also, it’s upside-down.
Clear your mind. Simply “be” the screws. Do not aim for completion, for one is never complete. Also, it’s upside-down.
I think for the sake of mixed company and delicate sensibilities we should refer to this as a “BM” rather than a “bullshit machine”. Therefore it could be a LLM BM, or simply a BM.
One, “Operation Praying Mantis” II coming up. Did you want Freedom Fries with that?
Their density makes them ring like a bell, if suspended by a wire through the center. Good wind chimes.
Ah, but what’s their story as to why the plane crashed?
So… “Bad weather was probably the cause of the crash” - and they dispatched 4 helicopters to the scene. There’s a puzzle piece missing here somewhere.
This is quite true, with one exception: It would be very wrong for any medic or EMT to tell a receiving nurse “that you can wait”. I am a paramedic in Virgina, USA, and that’s not how we do things. We deliver the patient to the ER, tell the nurse the patient’s chief complaint, our findings, and any other pertinent information. We do not presume to diagnose the patient or suggest treatment modalities or strategies. The nurse passes our information and any new findings to the doctor. It is ALWAYS the doctor who tells the nurse to find a staff member to wheel a non-emergent patient out of the emergency room. very often, as you point out.
So. All Putin has to do is say. “Don’t send any weapons to Ukraine and when we win, Russia will give you their rare minerals”, and Trump will roll over like a dog begging for a treat. Not that Trump ever knew right from wrong…