• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Haskell

    This was a fun one! I’m quite pleased with moveInto, which could be easily extended to support arbitrary box shapes.

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Bifunctor
    import Data.List
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import Data.Map qualified as Map
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Set qualified as Set
    type C = (Int, Int)
    readInput :: String -> (Map C Char, [C])
    readInput s =
      let (room, _ : moves) = break null $ lines s
       in ( Map.fromList [((i, j), c) | (i, l) <- zip [0 ..] room, (j, c) <- zip [0 ..] l],
            map dir $ concat moves
        dir '^' = (-1, 0)
        dir 'v' = (1, 0)
        dir '<' = (0, -1)
        dir '>' = (0, 1)
    moveInto :: Int -> Set C -> C -> C -> Set C -> Maybe (Set C)
    moveInto boxWidth walls (di, dj) = go
        go (i, j) boxes
          | (i, j) `Set.member` walls = Nothing
          | Just j' <- find (\j' -> (i, j') `Set.member` boxes) $ map (j -) [0 .. boxWidth - 1] =
              Set.insert (i + di, j' + dj)
                <$> foldM
                  (flip go)
                  (Set.delete (i, j') boxes)
                  [(i + di, j' + z + dj) | z <- [0 .. boxWidth - 1]]
          | otherwise = Just boxes
    runMoves :: (Map C Char, [C]) -> Int -> Int
    runMoves (room, moves) scale = score $ snd $ foldl' move (start, boxes) moves
        room' = Map.mapKeysMonotonic (second (* scale)) room
        Just start = fst <$> find ((== '@') . snd) (Map.assocs room')
        walls =
          let ps = Map.keysSet $ Map.filter (== '#') room'
           in Set.unions [Set.mapMonotonic (second (+ z)) ps | z <- [0 .. scale - 1]]
        boxes = Map.keysSet $ Map.filter (== 'O') room'
        move (pos@(i, j), boxes) dir@(di, dj) =
          let pos' = (i + di, j + dj)
           in maybe (pos, boxes) (pos',) $ moveInto scale walls dir pos' boxes
        score = sum . map (\(i, j) -> i * 100 + j) . Set.elems
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input15"
      mapM_ (print . runMoves input) [1, 2]

  • Haskell

    Part 2 could be improved significantly now that I know what to look for, but this is the (very inefficient) heuristic I eventually found the answer with.

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Char
    import Data.List
    import Data.Map qualified as Map
    import Data.Maybe
    import Text.Parsec
    (w, h) = (101, 103)
    readInput :: String -> [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))]
    readInput = either (error . show) id . parse (robot `endBy` newline) ""
        robot = (,) <$> (string "p=" >> coords) <*> (string " v=" >> coords)
        coords = (,) <$> num <* char ',' <*> num
        num = read <$> ((++) <$> option "" (string "-") <*> many1 digit)
    runBots :: [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
    runBots = transpose . map botPath
        botPath (p, (vx, vy)) = iterate (incWrap w vx *** incWrap h vy) p
        incWrap s d = (`mod` s) . (+ d)
    safetyFactor :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int
    safetyFactor = product . Map.fromListWith (+) . map (,1) . mapMaybe quadrant
        cx = w `div` 2
        cy = h `div` 2
        quadrant (x, y)
          | x == cx || y == cy = Nothing
          | otherwise = Just (x `div` (cx + 1), y `div` (cy + 1))
    render :: [(Int, Int)] -> [String]
    render bots =
      let counts = Map.fromListWith (+) $ map (,1) bots
       in flip map [0 .. h - 1] $ \y ->
            flip map [0 .. w - 1] $ \x ->
              maybe '.' intToDigit $ counts Map.!? (x, y)
    isImage :: [String] -> Bool
    isImage = (> 4) . length . filter hasRun
        hasRun = any ((> 3) . length) . filter head . group . map (/= '.')
    main = do
      positions <- runBots . readInput <$> readFile "input14"
      print . safetyFactor $ positions !! 100
      let (Just (t, image)) = find (isImage . snd) $ zip [0 ..] $ map render positions
      print t
      mapM_ putStrLn image

  • Haskell

    Whee, linear algebra! Converting between numeric types is a bit annoying in Haskell, but I’m reasonably happy with this solution.

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Matrix qualified as M
    import Data.Maybe
    import Data.Ratio
    import Data.Vector qualified as V
    import Text.Parsec
    type C = (Int, Int)
    readInput :: String -> [(C, C, C)]
    readInput = either (error . show) id . parse (machine `sepBy` newline) ""
        machine = (,,) <$> coords <*> coords <*> coords
        coords =
            <$> (manyTill anyChar (string ": X") >> anyChar >> num)
            <*> (string ", Y" >> anyChar >> num)
            <* newline
        num = read <$> many1 digit
    presses :: (C, C, C) -> Maybe C
    presses ((ax, ay), (bx, by), (px, py)) =
        let m = fromIntegral <$> M.fromLists [[ax, bx], [ay, by]]
        m' <- either (const Nothing) Just $ M.inverse m
        let [a, b] = M.toList $ m' * M.colVector (fromIntegral <$> V.fromList [px, py])
        guard $ denominator a == 1
        guard $ denominator b == 1
        return (numerator a, numerator b)
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input13"
        (print . sum . map (\(a, b) -> 3 * a + b) . mapMaybe presses)
        [ input,
          map (\(a, b, (px, py)) -> (a, b, (10000000000000 + px, 10000000000000 + py))) input

  • Haskell

    This was a bit of a fiddly one. There’s probably scope for golfing it down some more, but I’ve had enough for today :3

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.List
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import Data.Map qualified as Map
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Set qualified as Set
    readInput :: String -> Map (Int, Int) Char
    readInput s = Map.fromList [((i, j), c) | (i, l) <- zip [0 ..] (lines s), (j, c) <- zip [0 ..] l]
    (i1, j1) .+. (i2, j2) = (i1 + i2, j1 + j2)
    (i1, j1) .-. (i2, j2) = (i1 - i2, j1 - j2)
    directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] :: [(Int, Int)]
    edges = zip ps (drop 1 ps) :: [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))]
        ps = [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)]
    regions :: Map (Int, Int) Char -> [Set (Int, Int)]
    regions = unfoldr (fmap (uncurry removeRegion) . Map.minViewWithKey)
        removeRegion (p, t) = go Set.empty (Set.singleton p)
            go r ps plots
              | Set.null ps = (r, plots)
              | otherwise =
                  let ps' =
                        Set.filter (\p -> plots Map.!? p == Just t) $
                          Set.fromList (concatMap adjacent ps) Set.\\ ps
                   in go (Set.union r ps) ps' (Map.withoutKeys plots ps')
            adjacent = (`map` directions) . (.+.)
    boundary :: Set (Int, Int) -> Set ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
    boundary region =
      Set.fromList $
        [ (p .+. e1, p .+. e2)
          | p <- Set.elems region,
            (d, (e1, e2)) <- zip directions edges,
            p .+. d `Set.notMember` region
    perimeter :: Set (Int, Int) -> [[(Int, Int)]]
    perimeter = unfoldr (fmap (uncurry removeChain) . Set.minView) . boundary
        removeChain e@(e1, e2) es = first (e1 :) $ go [] e es
        go c e@(e1, e2) es =
          case find ((== e2) . fst) es of
            Nothing -> (e1 : c, es)
            Just e' -> go (e1 : c) e' (Set.delete e' es)
    countSides :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int
    countSides ps = length $ group $ zipWith (.-.) (drop 1 ps) ps
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input12"
      let rs = map (Set.size &&& perimeter) $ regions input
      print . sum $ map (\(a, p) -> a * sum (map (subtract 1 . length) p)) rs
      print . sum $ map (\(a, p) -> a * sum (map countSides p)) rs

  • The IORef is like a mutable box you can stick things in, so readIORef returns whatever was last put in it (in this case using modifyIORef'). “last” makes sense here because operations are sequenced thanks to the IO monad, so yes: values get carried back up the tree to the caller. There’s also STRef for the ST monad, or I could have used the State monad which (kind of) encapsulates a single ref.

  • Haskell

    Yay, mutation! Went down the route of caching the expanded lists of stones at first. Oops.

    import Data.IORef
    import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
    import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
    blink :: Int -> [Int]
    blink 0 = [1]
    blink n
      | s <- show n,
        l <- length s,
        even l =
          let (a, b) = splitAt (l `div` 2) s in map read [a, b]
      | otherwise = [n * 2024]
    countExpanded :: IORef (Map (Int, Int) Int) -> Int -> [Int] -> IO Int
    countExpanded _ 0 = return . length
    countExpanded cacheRef steps = fmap sum . mapM go
        go n =
          let key = (n, steps)
              computed = do
                result <- countExpanded cacheRef (steps - 1) $ blink n
                modifyIORef' cacheRef (Map.insert key result)
                return result
           in readIORef cacheRef >>= maybe computed return . (Map.!? key)
    main = do
      input <- map read . words <$> readFile "input11"
      cache <- newIORef Map.empty
      mapM_ (\steps -> countExpanded cache steps input >>= print) [25, 75]

  • Haskell

    A nice easy one today: didn’t even have to hit this with the optimization hammer.

    import Data.Char
    import Data.List
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import Data.Map qualified as Map
    readInput :: String -> Map (Int, Int) Int
    readInput s =
        [ ((i, j), digitToInt c)
          | (i, l) <- zip [0 ..] (lines s),
            (j, c) <- zip [0 ..] l
    findTrails :: Map (Int, Int) Int -> [[[(Int, Int)]]]
    findTrails input =
      Map.elems . Map.map (filter ((== 10) . length)) $
        Map.restrictKeys accessible starts
        starts = Map.keysSet . Map.filter (== 0) $ input
        accessible = Map.mapWithKey getAccessible input
        getAccessible (i, j) h
          | h == 9 = [[(i, j)]]
          | otherwise =
              [ (i, j) : path
                | (di, dj) <- [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)],
                  let p = (i + di, j + dj),
                  input Map.!? p == Just (succ h),
                  path <- accessible Map.! p
    main = do
      trails <- findTrails . readInput <$> readFile "input10"
        (print . sum . (`map` trails))
        [length . nub . map last, length]

  • Second attempt! I like this one much better.

    Edit: down to 0.040 secs now!

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Either
    import Data.List
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import Data.Map qualified as Map
    type Layout = ([(Int, (Int, Int))], Map Int Int)
    readInput :: String -> Layout
    readInput =
      map (read . singleton) . head . lines
        >>> (scanl' (+) 0 >>= zip) -- list of (pos, len)
        >>> zipWith ($) (intersperse Right [Left . (id,) | id <- [0 ..]])
        >>> partitionEithers
        >>> filter ((> 0) . snd . snd) *** Map.filter (> 0) . Map.fromAscList
    checksum :: Layout -> Int
    checksum = sum . map (\(id, (pos, len)) -> id * len * (2 * pos + len - 1) `div` 2) . fst
    compact :: (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> Layout -> Layout
    compact select (files, spaces) = foldr moveFile ([], spaces) files
        moveFile file@(fileId, (filePos, fileLen)) (files, spaces) =
          let candidates = Map.assocs $ fst . Map.split filePos $ spaces
           in case find (select fileLen . snd) candidates of
                Just (spacePos, spaceLen) ->
                  let spaces' = Map.delete spacePos spaces
                   in if spaceLen >= fileLen
                          ( (fileId, (spacePos, fileLen)) : files,
                            if spaceLen == fileLen
                              then spaces'
                              else Map.insert (spacePos + fileLen) (spaceLen - fileLen) spaces'
                            (fileId, (filePos + spaceLen, fileLen - spaceLen))
                            ((fileId, (spacePos, spaceLen)) : files, spaces')
                Nothing -> (file : files, spaces)
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input09"
      mapM_ (print . checksum . ($ input) . compact) [const $ const True, (<=)]

  • Haskell

    Not a lot of time to come up with a pretty solution today; sorry.

    Ugly first solution
    import Data.List
    import Data.Maybe
    import Data.Sequence (Seq)
    import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
    readInput :: String -> Seq (Maybe Int, Int)
    readInput =
        . zip (intersperse Nothing $ map Just [0 ..])
        . (map (read . singleton) . head . lines)
    expand :: Seq (Maybe Int, Int) -> [Maybe Int]
    expand = concatMap (uncurry $ flip replicate)
    compact :: Seq (Maybe Int, Int) -> Seq (Maybe Int, Int)
    compact chunks =
      case Seq.spanr (isNothing . fst) chunks of
        (suffix, Seq.Empty) -> suffix
        (suffix, chunks' Seq.:|> file@(_, fileSize)) ->
          case Seq.breakl (\(id, size) -> isNothing id && size >= fileSize) chunks' of
            (_, Seq.Empty) -> compact chunks' Seq.>< file Seq.<| suffix
            (prefix, (Nothing, gapSize) Seq.:<| chunks'') ->
              compact $ prefix Seq.>< file Seq.<| (Nothing, gapSize - fileSize) Seq.<| chunks'' Seq.>< (Nothing, fileSize) Seq.<| suffix
    part1, part2 :: Seq (Maybe Int, Int) -> Int
    part1 input =
      let blocks = dropWhileEnd isNothing $ expand input
          files = catMaybes blocks
          space = length blocks - length files
          compacted = take (length files) $ fill blocks (reverse files)
       in sum $ zipWith (*) [0 ..] compacted
        fill (Nothing : xs) (y : ys) = y : fill xs ys
        fill (Just x : xs) ys = x : fill xs ys
    part2 = sum . zipWith (\i id -> maybe 0 (* i) id) [0 ..] . expand . compact
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input09"
      print $ part1 input
      print $ part2 input