Why does that character have two left hands?
Why does that character have two left hands?
A few of the recent Mario games
Don’t know about others, but you can barely call Odyssey co-op. Cappy mostly just watches Mario play.
Do you feel like you can’t leave your bed? Try BetterHelp.
If it’s a beginner trying to learn those commands, definitely the latter.
If it’s a beginner trying to set up their environment for the actual thing they’re trying to learn, then a fire and forget single command is more user-friendly.
That comes out of the box with current versions of Windows. The era of Bullzip PDF Printer is gone.
its worse than lemmy
I recently was looking for help troubleshooting an issue and ended up checking reddit and I was shocked at just how bad it got. There were AI generated comments that seemed to provide a solution, but the link went to some spam URL instead of the product they were supposedly talking about (and these were recent comments, not old dead links). The kind of stuff you used to see on unmoderated comment sections on WordPress sites that nobody maintained.
it IP blocks people and tracks IP’s linked to editing
Unless something changed, this part was at least partially true at one point. But only for anonymous edits iirc. Usually happened for IPs shared by a lot of people like from a campus or some VPNs, probably due to a lot of vandalism from such IPs.
That image is so confusing. Looks like the rack tipped sideways, but how would that cause all those drives to fly out from the back?
I thought it was just a more scientific classification.
Scientifc classification by sex. Referring to others by their biological sex in a social context is weird and creepy. Even if you believe sex and gender are the same thing, it’s still weird to call people by their sex. “Hello, male human. Want to ingest some fried pieces of cow flesh tonight?”
Using “guys” for a group of only women works only in 2nd person. You can say “I love you guys!” to a group of women, but you can’t say “I was hanging out with the guys” when talking about the same group.
Why is Hitler in the background?
No, someone took an existing painting and modified it with copy/paste to show two middle fingers. Which is also ironic, given the message they’re trying to send.
Not that impressive on carpet
Romania too, but definitely better than a hamburger. It’s more like a sausage.
I’ll never understand consuming this type of information in video format.
There are definitely different prices when I’m logged in vs when I’m not. My wife sends me a links to products, and I usually open any link in incognito windows. Several times I was not seeing the same price as her. Opening the same link on my account would show the same price.
That was a culture shock for me when I moved to the US. I knew that back in the day, in rural areas of my country, the markets only opened once a week. I was shocked to find that happen in urban/suburban areas in the US. Back home I could just go to the closest market any day. Morning news would have a report comparing prices in different markets across the city, so you could pick the one that has the best price for what you need that day.