Unless those old farts die first
Unless those old farts die first
This isn’t the 18th century.
Oh, then, whatever you say when you win checkers 😎
From all the animals thst feed only on plants and have huge canines, you chose the bear?
90% alive today would not eat meat if they had to kill. You can grow up used to it of course.
Veganism is not return to nature. Quite the opposite. And it’s definitely not a return to the past. Veganism is a modern view of society where we look at the possibilities we have today, granted to us by technology and science, and decide to spare the lives of animals. We have a surplus of food and supplements that makes meat consumption less healthy, efficient and ethical than plant based. It’s was virtually impossible to do be 100% plant based 100 years ago in full health.
Humans are part of nature, but what call nature is the mostly well balanced group of ecosystems and food chains. Humans turned nature into a devilish food machine. There’s very few animals that hunt and kill for pleasure the way humans do, and even then the vast majority of humans could never kill an animal. So we pay someone else to do it. Killing meat for pleasure is evil, buying it at the supermarket is both evil and cowardly.
But what about my sharp canine teeth? Check mate.
I’m not American so they are indeed a foreign actor.
I’m hoping someone else comes up with a better open source service
At that distance it also kills you, so it sounds like a good deal. No regrets.
And threatening sanctions on any country that disagrees too.
The party of free speech everyone!
Where do I find this opy ouy button? Sounds tasty
D is for dice, E is for elephant, F is for the fascists threatening our democracy
A bit too predictable but still good fun.
I’m fine with queer villains, but most queer characters are villains. Virtually all queer Disney characters are villains. The one I can think that is not is Kuzko, who starts as an antagonist and then changes heart.
Gotta love Americans talking about 1-party systems when they have a 2-party-that-are-the-same system.
What sort of advise are they giving? I’m out of the loop