I really like this feature with BetterDisplay on my MacBook from work - and now it is coming to Plasma, too - that’s great! :)
I really like this feature with BetterDisplay on my MacBook from work - and now it is coming to Plasma, too - that’s great! :)
Interesting. On which distro? I don’t have this problem on Fedora. Here the update check is disabled by default.
Autotype for password managers. I don’t only have passwords which I use in my browser for which the plugin is fine. But other apps require autotype. And copy & paste can’t be the solution for this missing feature.
Not having autotype is for me the reason not to switch to Wayland, too. I don’t only have passwords for websites stored in KeepassXC - otherwise it wouldn’t be a problem with the Firefox addon. Copy & paste of passwords into e.g. the console can’t be better security. I wouldn’t mind if autotype would work in general and one has to choose the corresponding entry manually without automatic matching to the current window. But even autotype into the last active window doesn’t work.
To be fair, they connected the XP and 2k machines directly to the internet. Normally you have a router in between nowadays which makes such infections way harder.