All Linux enthusiasts are attractive women.
All Linux enthusiasts are attractive women.
I hear ya. I use linux just fine but now and then I dicover a new trick or command and I’m like “holy shit it’s a superpower”. A good book could be gold.
To be fair, writing technical documentation for this shit is possibly the most unpleasant job in the world. After 5 minutes I desperately want to fuck off and get high.
I’ve used Linux for 20 years and never picked up a book on it. Not that there’s anything wrong with the books, but let’s not give the impression that it’s necessary.
You people take stories so seriously. The good stories that all the good people believe. The bad stories that only bad people believe.
You realize that they’re just stories, right?
Experience is real.
Speaking as a professional carpenter with a pretty nice lifestyle, 25 hours a week is pushing it. You guys work too much.
Ha ha, yes. But seriously. Reality is like a squirrel wrapped in a sock stuck in a mitten enclosed in a shoebox wrapped in carpet wrapped in tinfoil. We look at the tinfoil and say “reality”. It is and it isnt.
Meditation is good for penetrating the layers. Even the squirrel isn’t ultimate
What if I told you that the whole universe is made from this kind of semiconscious misreading?
Electrically heated fingerless gloves?
Fingerless wool gloves.
The problem is not that the beastly corporations are doing something beastly again. The problem is that we allow these beastly corporations to exist.
The best language is complete, succinct, orderly and clear. And never adds a single goddamn thing ever.
Hallmark movies have gotten popular lately at my favorite pegleg establishments. 4 of the 10 in the “featured” list are hallmark.
Last year I think we’d never see even one.
It’s because movies really suck now. We’re literally scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Why do movies suck now?
I didn’t even read the community title. Sorry. My mistake.
Because being a jerk is more fun than sex?
Find a way to make money where you sell your services directly to the customer. No boss or job. Flexible schedule. Good money.
Yes, drug dealer is one such, but there are others.
This is one of those intelligence tests from kindergarten.