At least in my 40s I can afford to add an egg.
Especially on a shitposting community? What’s the world coming to?
I want to say that there are many anti-oppressive therapists who make it a point to validate that the current political system creates mental health problems. More of us than you’d think.
You can find us mostly at
Depends on where you are. Cheapest next to me is $7.42 per dozen.
Considering that it’s illegal to fuck porcupines in Florida, and that law was created for a reason… yes, they totally would.
I believe the study only looked at whether they cuddle and have sex with each other. I will try to find it.
Same, I giggle every time.
There is research that couples who cuddle have better sex. Just sayin’.
Your guess is correct.
Same, same. I have standards. They might be low, but they are there.
That’s the only thing we are going to talk about.
Need to introduce the youngins to the Demver snake woman.
This guy knows his internet history.
I’ve had 18 shares of Morgan Stanley in unclaimed funds for a while. They want the shares certificate to claim it… which doesn’t make sense cause if I still had the certificate, I’d just sell them. But anyway, your post encouraged me to get in touch with MS investor relations just now to see if I can do anything about it. It would be almost $2,500 if it works.
Then my job here is done.
Perfect for shitposting
Anything is possible if you really believe in yourself!
In my house, that shit would go fast.
This was Colorado. I agree that the timing sucks for people with regular jobs, but we also need to get the attention of our representatives and disrupt the peace.