Is this yet another crypto project?
Is this yet another crypto project?
What about Google Keep ?
what the hell i just read ?
Fake it until you make it
I like to watch Mr White cook show. He cooks white crystals.
If a fish die of plastic, you probably eat plastic while eating fish
It seem to be best practice, and predatory best practice.
Some people fear of being jugded if they don’t follow the mass. And the tip screen make them question themselves like “everybody else tip, what will they think if I don’t ?” “What if someone watch over my shoulder and feel disgusting if I don’t tip ?”
If it is subscription, then wen you lost your stream of income, you lost everything.
That including your house, if you live in subcription house.
I thought it because China have organ black market. But it is totally false news. Thank you for your clarification
Well, that how China can offer cheap labor.
Is safari work ?