And democrats will really stare at me, holding their hands and wringing their wrists over “but why didn’t you vote for our corrupt-assed party”
<Coronet of the Crashout> Fraud Dogg, <the Black Anansi>. || Never surrender, never retreat. || Constant reminder that queerness does not absolve Whiteness.
And democrats will really stare at me, holding their hands and wringing their wrists over “but why didn’t you vote for our corrupt-assed party”
Mine sure as shit hasn’t yet lmfao
Apple fanboys pollute privacy comms on this side of social media too, tbh :/
I believe that power grows out of the barrel of a gun, and that if John Brown had shot more colonizing slaver bastards, we definitely wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.
Honestly I don’t believe that; but even that’s true, you’re still carrying their water; so you may as well be white.
We’re not fucking friends; and I don’t claim you as kinfolk. “Humanity of the settler”, get the actual fuck out.
What humanity? What humanity do the sons of settlers have? What matter are the feelings they’ve used to rule over all and sundry for practically all of recorded western history in some form or another? What “white men” fear sickens me, because all that cohort has EVER seemed to fear was not being on top. Crackers fear that we would treat them as they have treated us; and honestly at this point, it’d be warranted if we did.
That is ‘the quiet part you won’t say out loud’. That is what the cohort you currently bear the water of fears. That you want me to shed tears for that genuinely sickens me, you fuckin loser.
Love how you settler sons of dogs drop the masks as soon as you feel you’ve been shown insufficient loyalty. I cannot wait for you to live in the Amerika I was born into, you smug cracker fuck. I want to watch you bleed.
No more colonizer frogs in the motherland.
Funny-- I’d swear there’s a bunch of frog colonizers somewhere on the fediverse, right now, malding that they’re rightfully getting called to the carpet for being neocolonial scum. This is not painting them in the best of lights; backing a vassal-minstrel state to carry out their theft for them.
No more neocolonial frogs in the motherland, neither in person, nor by minstrel proxy-- and that goes double for AFRICOM peckerwoods.
Can’t wait for the gay panic that fired up the last time mpox was in the news to start again…
Can’t wait for Amerika to absolutely fuck up dealing with it either
(/sarc in case it wasn’t clear enough)
I do not equate death or servitude with suffering.
Holy mother of red flags.
Capitalism does a very good job at making people who do not and never will hold capital into sheepdogs for the cause. You get someone addicted enough to your slop, they’ll advertise for you, they’ll evangelize for you, they’ll even come report to you who didn’t pay ‘their fair share’ for entry.
They’re well-trained dogs, incog. Might as well ask why a dog chases cars.
Simply sad that everything but really everything has been corrupted by the Russian troll factory
And my privacy should not come at the cost of capitalists trying to still figure out how to push their poison into my brain; verifiably anonymized or not. Flat out point blank period. The ad-block, tracker fuzzers, and fingerprint meddlers aren’t coming out of my browser; and if they mysteriously ‘disappear’, I’m moving.
Developer @dev_bonnie made a post about being blocked by Godot Engine on X,[15] writing, “Erm friendly fire” and pointing out that they are bisexual.
Not all skinfolk is kinfolk; now I’m wondering what they said to get caught up
And this is why as soon as Boston Dynamics said no to the government, suspiciously, a company named Ghost Dynamics spun up with practically the exact same frames
If this is what robotics is going to be used for I think a lot more roboticists need their hands chopped off at the wrists
My pronouns are right there, you smarmy fuck; it’s “Edgelord Regent”.
Are you fucking kidding me