same. Ive played it for about ~10 hours on the steam deck so far, and i have my FPS counter turned on at all times; never seen it dip below 40, and i dont think ive touched any settings. On an original steam deck, not an OLED, though
same. Ive played it for about ~10 hours on the steam deck so far, and i have my FPS counter turned on at all times; never seen it dip below 40, and i dont think ive touched any settings. On an original steam deck, not an OLED, though
windows can still play castle of the winds? i play it all the time. In fact, i just booted it up again a moment ago to make sure it didnt break recently or something. I dont remember ever having any issues playing it, and ive played it off and on for decades. In fact, googling real quick, it looks like my abandonware even has a “easy installer” for it.
You basically just described kanban.
to be fair, nintendo set that standard before both microsoft and sony were even in the console gaming space.
Tux Racer go brrrr
sure, I’m not saying GPT4 is perfect, just that it’s known to be a lot better than 3.5. Kinda why I would be interested to see how much better it actually is.
Worth noting this study was done on gpt 3.5, 4 is leagues better than 3.5. I’d be interested to see how this number has changed
People frequently make demakes with pico-8
However, if you ask me to pick one specific project, I get overwhelmed because I don’t know what’s reasonable.
I don’t know enough to know if my ideas are achievable, or if I’d just be bashing my head against the wall. I don’t know if they’re laughably simple tasks, multimillion-dollar propositions, or Goldilocks ideas that would be perfect to learn a coding language.
List out some ideas you’re thinking of. While it may not be obvious to you, someone who is seasoned (me or someone else) might notice at least a general theme or idea to point you in the right direction for where you should go and what you should learn, regardless of if the projects are reasonable.
Note - Most projects take teams to realize, so if your ideas are too large, they might not generally be feasible alone.
What are you looking to actually do with your programming skills? That will heavily influence which languages to recommend you learn. Do you want to make websites? build games? do AI stuff? Create enterprise-level software? something else?
Earthbound is eternally on my list of games i play through every couple of years. Its such a great game. Some aspects of it are a tad clunky by modern sensibilities (inventory management, going through the menus for a lot of things, etc.), but overall it holds up really well. Also if you liked earthbound, mother 3 is also 100% worth playing. Mother 1 (or beginnings, or whatever you wanna call it), is hard to recommend to anyone but the most diehard fans, though.
I like earthbound the most of all of em, but thats purely for nostalgia reasons. From a critical perspective, i think mother 3 is the superior game.
whenever you start a game, there’s always a phantom player 2 that joins, and it absolutely wrecks the hardest difficulty
MinuteFood on youtube did a video just yesterday talking about the science of cast iron, and why they’re not dirty like many people seem to think.
And it always marks the damn “thank you for contacting Microsoft” post as “the answer”
You missed out, bro. It was you from the future calling to warn you of your dire fate and how to avoid it.
I agree with the other poster; you should look into proxmox. I migrated from ESXi to proxmox 7-8 years ago or so, and honestly its been WAY better than ESXi. The migration process was pretty easy too, i was able to bring over the images from ESXi and load them directly into proxmox.
I mean, blob (and object storage in general) has been used as a term for a long time. It isn’t particularly new, and MS didn’t invent it.
thats because they legally cant include the cores in the steam version. You’re able to go add any additional cores you want, however.
i second the comment that you need to consider why you want to do this. You generally need a pretty good reason to split your codebase into multiple languages.
As far as actually doing it, you have a ton of different options, some of which have been mentioned here. Some i can think of off the top of my head:
basically every approach is going to require you to come up with some sort of API that the two work together through, though, an API in the generic sense is basically a shared contract two disconnected pieces of code use to communicate.