I’m using Debian without ever having been involved in the init-wars. What’s wrong with Systemd and why should i not use it?
I’m using Debian without ever having been involved in the init-wars. What’s wrong with Systemd and why should i not use it?
In this case, it’s actually Microsofts fault. There is no bug in ffmpeg, Microsoft just didn’t properly use it
Thanks was too lazy to read the actual issue - exactly what i expected
Idgf if you call me a pedophile but they’re right with their point that the AOC is too high. Having a multiple-stage system like many advanced countries do, like Germany, where it begins with 14, loosens up with 16 and fully at 18 is good. That’s because it acknowledges the development of humans. Development is a process. Humans in reality are not a simplistic lifeform from a philosophical thought experiment, thinking that it should be illegal before one turns 18 and immediately legal a second thereafter is just nonsensical to me. It doesn’t cut off like that, there’s no such hard barrier or edge where it suddenly turns from morally bad to not morally bad.
According to an expert assessment from the German Institute for Human Rights that’s a hundred pages long, all the conditions for banning the AfD party are met. Talks about the urgent need to do so are being kicked off. If a party ban is seriously being considered, you know they are doing something wrong. Party bans in Germany are very difficult to achieve for obvious historical reasons. So far only two have been banned, one of them was the SRP, the follow-up party of the Nazi party.
I work in the government and let me tell you: Yes
Dude if you made a movie or novel about this that would be awesome