• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Where do we stand on hoarding code to protect against outsourcing? I have a friend who is encouraging his team to do everything he can to hoard and make it impossible for recently onboarded individuals in a “cheaper cost center” to mess with it.

    I think it’s the right call, for both the team and the company. The team wants to keep their job, and to keep building the thing they worked so hard on. But I think it’s also best for the company. Management can’t control themselves when they see that they can get literally 10 engineers for the price of 1 local engineer. They know that each of the 10 is going to be less good than than a local engineer, but they always fall for “but still, they’re not that much worse and for that price how can I lose!”. Of course, the damage of 10s of mediocre-bad engineers is far more costly, especially when outsourcing an existing project. So I’d say it’s the right thing for everyone for the team to protect their code ownership anyway they can.

  • While I appreciate the difference between mirroring and emulation, @lemmyvore@feddit.nl might have a point in so far as scrcpy and other options that aren’t emulation, may still be part of the reason why no one is making polished emulation options. If a dev can get by with a bunch of physical devices connected and controllev via adb, scrcpy and the like, or a passable emulator in Android Studio, then there’s less reason for them to build or contribute to an emulator for their needs, and consequently op (and the rest of us) don’t get a shiny open-source emulator.

  • Man! I was super excited about this, being a big NixOS fan, but then I realised that the “Way” bit is going to kick me in the nuts. I haven’t made the switch to wayland yet; I keep thinking about switching, but last time I checked being tied to i3 and nvidia hardware scared me off (although I’m aware sway is a drop-in alternative to i3, but it’s an extra complication). Another reason to make the switch when I can though!

    Out of curiosity, how do big media apps treat something like Waydroid? Like, I imagine Netflix and co being awkward with anything like this in a misplaced attempted to prevent “piracy”. Do you find apps treating you like a second class citizen?

  • While I understand the logic wrt the concerns about the content of hentai, I do find it interesting that it’s so prominent in the discussion of safety issues.

    To me, it’s always felt “safer” than real-life content because a lot of the big risks go away. I don’t have to consider whether the actors were coerced, or whether they would have been able to stop a scene if uncomfortable, or whether they regret putting that content out there and so on.

    As a consumer of hentai or similar, it becomes a lot more reasonable to say, “I don’t know what the imaginary background of this character is, but I’m interpretive them as an adult, so I’m all good”, or “Did they really give their consent to dick-cthulhu? Of course they did! Who wouldn’t!?” because I can’t really be meaningfully wrong about a imaginary character.

    Whatever the morality of, I guess let’s say, fictional immorality, the potential harm from “real” porn just seems so much larger than the potential harm from drawings and writing. However much I enjoy seeing real human beings doing delightful things to each other, if the only porn on the internet was hentai and dirty stories, I’m inclined to think it’d probably be an overall win in terms of harm reduction, just because it doesn’t require real people to be doing the stunts. So it’s interesting that the fictional stuff seems to be so top of mind when we talk about safety.

    Although, I imagine that’s likely because in the discussions of rule-setting the issues around “real” porn are talked about far less, because who’s really going to make a good-faith argument that’s pro sharing images of abuse of real people.

    (Also found your point about cultural imperialism interesting! An angle on the topic I’d not considered before)

  • Would second this. On one hand I’m terrified to find out; I’m conflicted enough already about the morality of a lot of the porn industry, but sticking my head in the sand won’t help.

    I think the number of decent human beings who would use the list to actively blacklist and advocate against bad studios is far greater than the number of diseased individuals who would use it to look up the content for “fun”.

  • As someone with an interest in human (ironically given the context of tentacles) sexuality, seeing all these nuances and intricacies emerge from the complexities of human kink is really fun.

    Although that being said, I can imagine it’s very much not fun for you admins trying to navigate this stuff in your free time. Much appreciation for taking on the task! ♥️

    I keep beating this dead horse (no kink shaming 😜), but it’s still a bit worrying how difficult it appears to safely build a sexual community online today. The work of making a community safe, diverse and welcoming would naturally always be a challenge, but I can only imagine the stress worrying about the legal and regulatory side of things, so again, thanks for your efforts!

  • I had a great time with it myself, despite many obvious flaws. It seems to scratch an itch that I’ve yet to find an alternative way to scratch!

    Maybe it’s as simple as cyberpunk fallout? But the worlds texture (again despite it’s imperfections) feels more than just cyberpunk. The fallout comparison has other similarities too (apart from the buggy engine lol), I love the active and relatively expensive mod scene too.

    I was definitely disappointed that the story felt a bit limited, but I’m looking forward to a new play through when the DLC is out, even if it’s another trainwreck.

    I loved the anime too which makes me excited for my next play through, similar to how reading the Witcher books opened up a whole new lover for the Witcher 3, although there’s much less of a connection between the Cyberpunk game and the anime obviously.

    Long story short, I can understand others frustration with the game, and I hope (perhaps naïvely) that CDProjectRED get their shit together with how they treat there devs. But despite that I loved it, and deeply hope they don’t abandon the franchise due to how badly the first release went. I must guiltily confess that it’s a real struggle not to preorder the DLC out of the vague sense that it’d count as a vote to stick with it. I won’t, mostly because corpos don’t work that way, and I don’t want to endorse the bad behaviour towards their Devs especially, but still.

  • I never managed to finish Disco Elysium, but not out of lack of love. It’s absolutely fantastic.

    I really want to go back to it, but I’m almost afraid to. There’s so much depth to all those characters, I’m worried by not having played it for so long I’d have forgotten all the useful context, but starting from scratch feels, IDK dishonest somehow? The playthrough I was on felt like the “authentic” one, and restarting, at least without completing that imperfect first playthrough, would be somehow missing the point.

    My other fear is that, also finding myself in a bad place increasingly over the last few years, I’m afraid it might end in a way that’s too bleak to bear. Your comments on finding hope in the ending, despite despair, might be the motivation I need though!

  • Yes to both! But especially Barotrauma! Really unique atmosphere to that game and such a rich selection of gameplay mechanics I’m always fighting off the desire to start another game!

    I even get lost just building convoluted, overcomplicated and, as a result, buggy submarines in the editor.

    Man, I love that game. It might be the greatest unsung game to come out in the last few years. My only problem is being a misanthrope, and scared of the general multiplaying public, I’m always intimidated by public games, but I’d love to convince enough buddies to play a campaign through. As you say, you lose some of the existential dread, but I’d love to explore some of the roleplaying aspects and more complicated gameplay loops, and the bots are a liability (although so much better than they were!).

  • Not a fantastic game, but the first Walking Dead Telltale series really hit me in the feels and so has stayed with me. The Witcher 3 definitely affected me, but it’s hard to seperate that feeling from the books.

    I’d say Kerbal Space Program, Factorio and Rimworld because whenever I play those it’s like coming home, but since I’m always playing at least one of them, it feels a bit like cheating.

    The feeling of the Tribes games is always there in my mind. I occasionally go back but the freedom of movement in that game is just so liberating. I never know why they aren’t more celebrated. (Titanfall 2 comes close, but still not quite the same).

    Battlezone 2 is IMHO another unsung classic. I loved the mix of RTS and FPS. Another one from before the mechanics of FPS and the general feel of motion had standardised (to a fault) which I think helps it keep it’s hooks in me.