Seriously. Can NYT Op-Ed run 100% “Trump should drop out” articles every time he does something far more disqualifying? They’ll never run another opinion again.
Seriously. Can NYT Op-Ed run 100% “Trump should drop out” articles every time he does something far more disqualifying? They’ll never run another opinion again.
Well if it’s real, it will be a no brainer Nobel prize, so it certainly won’t be the last we hear of it in that case.
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Not sure I get it. Is this a parody of an ad campaign I haven’t seen?
What in the botspam is this post?
I find the references to file extension kinda confusing. Extensions mean a lot less in Linux cli, but I can tell youre just using them for examples. Maybe give more concrete examples instead.
ls *.sh
to list all the files ending in .sh
What do you mean about “/ root directory, eg /usr/bin/bash”? / is /, just the top-most directory
Pretty sure the text in the image is satire
Take a picture the first time you pull it out of the garbage, so you don’t have to go back in for a 3rd or 4th time.
One day I realized I could take a picture of the bag before I tossed it or put it back in the freezer, and my life has been so much better.
I see a pretty stark difference between people who married young and had kids right away, vs people who married young and enjoyed their time for a while before having kids. The ones who had kids seem weird to me, never got a chance to goof off in their 20s and figure out who they are. The ones who waited feel more normal. But that’s just my experience.
Oh, ok. Carry on.
If that’s how LoL wanted their game to work, that’s how they would make it work
A massage never killed anyone, unlike chiropracty. Just get a massage.
I don’t think you understand the level to which people take chiropracty. People use it in a “cures what ails you” mentality. Colds, flu, hand arthritis, all sorts of diseases. There is a ton of danger in allowing “back cracking for healing” when it doesn’t do anything that couldn’t be done with massage.
Will it work for Gmail’s link hijackers where it routes you first to Google then forwards you to the actual site?
It was about the stolen DVD / VCR combo players. So… That should clarify things
My uncle had a dog for about 10 years. Took him camping every weekend and would chill out by the truck all day. No issues. One random dog came up and peed on the truck tire once. Dog said “wait what you can do that?” and for the rest of his life pissed on the truck. It was a mindvirus.