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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Well, you don’t understand the legal system at all.

    You cannot submit new evidence in appeal, and again, the appeal was of the lawsuit for the Wrongful Termination. The whistleblowing was a separate item handled 7 years ago.

    John Barnett had not worked for Boeing for 7 years, that’s why that’s the only part of this timeline that mattered. He turned over the evidence that he had, and literally could not collect more, because he was forced into retirement.

    There’s a chance he might have been called on for testimony by someone investigating the current and ongoing issues, but he had already submitted extensive sworn testimony on the subject, so there would be little need.

    But that wrongful termination lawsuit, that was personal to him, and he was losing the final appeal. Hell, the reporting at the time of his death even said that he “retired” rather than being forced out of the company. That alone should tell you something.

    But no, you want to spin an outlandish conspiracy theory based on a complete misunderstanding of the law and this man’s life, all to say that Boeing, an admittedly evil company, is evil in a more personal way instead of the nebulous greed based evil that infects every corporation. The truth is, the company and its executives don’t fucking care.

    They’re shielded from liability and have gotten their payouts, they ruin lives, and their greed has resulted in deaths as planes fall from the sky, but they admit no wrong doing and pay a small fine out of the employee pension fund. That’s the true conspiracy. Not some made up contract killing of a man who was no threat at all, because all of his evidence was submitted to authorities 7 years ago.

  • Yes, it was a suicide, because his testimony wasn’t part of anything related to whistleblowing, he was appealing a loss of the wrongful termination lawsuit against Boeing.

    The idiots who never bothered to learn more than the man’s name think “big company killed whistleblower” are showing just how little they understand things.

    To recap, all the evidence from his whistleblowing was submitted to authorities 7 years ago. He had no bombshells to drop, no story that hadn’t been told, just a lawsuit over how Boeing retaliated against him for Whistleblowing 7 years ago, forcing him to “retire”.

    A few days before he killed himself, he was on the stand in front of the appeals judges, and from all accounts, they did not seem like they were going to overturn his loss. He was then called back for another round of testimony, but was already dead by then.

    Can you imagine a 7-year legal battle over being fired for having integrity? The stress this man must have felt?

    Boeing killed John Barnett, but they didn’t pull the trigger, he did. Don’t cheapen that with lies about some sort of conspiracy. Just know that Boeing is one of dozens of companies who have worked for decades to weaken labor protections.

  • #4 is to start the apocalypse so that Jesus will come back and kill all the Jews who don’t believe in him.

    I’ve literally heard that exact reasoning from nutjobs who know just enough about geopolitics to know that using a nuke in that region would start WW3. Anyone using a nuke in that region would start it. Unless it’s someone like North Korea. That would just mean the end of North Korea as everyone else banded together to take them down.

    Anyway, beside the point because no one is insane enough to listen to Lady G.

  • The thing is, the exclusion zone isn’t uniformly radioactive. The hottest spots are not areas that wild life would normally spend a lot of time near.

    Then there’s the fact that the way we’re all taught about radiation and cancer is just flat out wrong. The Linear No Threshold model that most people know was actually created by the Rockefeller Foundation in an attempt to slow the adoption of nuclear power.

    Combine those two factors, and you get stories like this, where researchers are shocked that higher than average radiation exposure doesn’t equate to a simple linear increase in cancer rate.

    Not that these wolves haven’t developed an increased resistance to radiation. But it’s not a new thing. Every living creature on this planet has mechanisms to repair DNA from radiation exposure. These wolves are simply better at it now than generations past.

  • A Likud party member who is A-Okay with Nazis…

    Continuing the traditions started with the Lehi terrorist organization.

    That story is sort of wild, Avraham Stern and Yitzhak Shamir tried for several months to ally themselves with the Nazis, Fascist Italy, or anyone fighting the British in WW2.

    They also carried out terrorist attacks and assassinations of anyone who they believed stood in the way of a Jewish ethnostate based on Nazi race science, just with Jews put at the top. This included other Jews who were seen as too friendly with either the British or Arabs.

    Stern was killed and Shamir took over Lehi, and was leader for some of the bloodiest attacks on Arabs leading up to the 1948 war. Prompting this open letter.

    Skipping ahead a bit to 1983, Shamir became the second Likud PM, and Netanyahu’s mentor. He also issued out the infamous Lehi service medal.

  • That’s not how it works. Making money today is the only thing these ghouls care about, ruining a company or brand is just dandy because they won’t be holding the bag when it bursts. They’ll have passed it to someone else. Someone else who will then work to gut the company even more before selling it to someone who will gut it and close it down.

    And nothing of real value will have been made, but lots of rich asshats will be slightly richer.

  • chaogomu@kbin.socialtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devifn't
    8 months ago

    Basic used “else”.

    It’s nice. “if”, “then”, and “else”. I spent a year programming a shitty roulette game on an Apple 2e back in high school. I still remember the joy of using if/then/else paired with goto to make a horrible mess of spaghetti logic.

    But yeah, “else” is nice.

  • Part of it is the fact that Ubuntu is an entry level sort of OS, it’s been simplified down and made easy. So the sort of people who have it are often less tech-savvy, and when something does go wrong, they ask a lot of pretty basic seeming questions.

    This isn’t helped by some of Canonical’s design choices. Nothing overt, but Ubuntu has a flavor that’s distinctly Ubuntu, and knowledge of other distros is sometimes a detriment in solving problems.

    Canonical is also a company that just rubs some people the wrong way. There was some data collection shit where they asked users to opt-out of collection, after installing the data collection app.

    Then there’s Snaps… it’s their own unique take on program management. Which is a Canonical thing, reinventing the wheel so that they can have their own unique little thing. Like Mir and Unity, which were then both abandoned to the community.

    It’s good that the community can take over when Canonical drops something, but still…