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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • That’s fascinating, and I agree with you. Why the US hates the idea of high-speed rail is beyond me, especially because they prided themselves so much on the rail system they put together earlier in their development. In any case, the US can’t do much of anything with its debt-to-GDP as high as it is right now. They can hardly keep from shutting the government down entirely because they won’t even agree to a government budget.

  • You can choose to ignore things you don’t understand on Lemmy. I don’t go into the Risa posts because I know they’re not for me. If something doesn’t make sense and you want to ask about it, go for it, but don’t get upset when the explanation isn’t one that makes sense to you. For a lot of people, popular Vines were everywhere for a while. Not everything on the internet is for you.

  • Within a loop could be:

    for(i in 1:10){
         assign(paste0("listNum", i), list(i, someStringVector[i], i:(i+20), i*value))
    And you can also use get() in the same way to dynamically retrieve a variable. 
    I've gone so far into coding debauchery that I've dynamically assigned variables from dynamically retrieved ones, and I've done so fairly frequently.