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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • braxy29@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsmoking
    4 months ago

    because i was 18, a freshman in college, and just got dumped. i was all down about it and a friend offered me one and i thought, fuck it, why not.

    then i bummed another a few days later and so on. bought my own pack within a week.

  • braxy29@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldTacos.
    4 months ago

    unfortunately, this is often true in big cities as well.

    things are a lot better in that regard than they used to be. dv is no longer by default regarded as a “private matter,” laws and resources have improved.

    on the flip side, dv can be hard to prove, especially to a busy cop or judge. and policing is also not a profession averse to abusers.

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  • i ran into this kind of garbage the other day looking for a Nicholas Jaar video when i couldn’t recall the name. like BoC, there’s tons and tons of tracks by Jaar, but results gave me one or two of his most popular tracks and a buuuuuunch of other stuff. i couldn’t even just keep scrolling, there were a dozen results and then the “related search” garbage.

    ugh, i’m so fed up with google, and at the same time not motivated enough to figure out workarounds. i have work and shit to do around my house.

    i guess, with me, they won.

    edit typo

  • braxy29@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldProgress!
    5 months ago

    i’m not sure how this could really work. good therapy requires the person of the therapist, and it additionally takes place within the context of a client’s living. are there therapists willing to give up subjective years over and over and over? how does the client try new things, gain understanding without the feedback of their life between sessions? also - therapists seek information and process their work with clients between sessions.

    on top of all this, i’m not yet convinced this would be psychologically healthy for either.

  • i have never been in a serious accident. over 30 years driving, probably 2/3 of it in major metro areas with notably terrible traffic, and i have had maybe 5 fender benders… i would have to really think about it.

    driving is absolutely dangerous and terrifying. but wow, it’s kinda nuts that the person in the screenshot has had so many accidents!