Unfortunately I don’t think you will be able to actually getting anything from them. They clearly already look down on you for believing what you believe.
Unfortunately I don’t think you will be able to actually getting anything from them. They clearly already look down on you for believing what you believe.
Bro what the hell at the Suicide Silence show I was at there was a dude dressed as a banana. He moshed the whole fuckin show too.
Show was super good! Neck is sore though lol.
Been putting in the exercise as I see Chelsea Grin and Suicide Silence tonight. My back and neck are not ready.
Well it would seem my assumption was wrong. Thanks for clarifying.
Since the comic artist is cropped out, the creator is JakeLikesOnions.
Why do these three look like the boys in Aunty Donna?
I’m in my early thirties now and I think I love trains more than I did than when I was a kid. That and double deck busses, love that shit.
Don’t have links atm but
Alpha Wolf (Just released a record today)
Erra (just released an record today)
Knocked Loose
Orbit Culture
Darko US
Invent Animate
Bury Tomorrow