•what's your favorite Gameboy game that isn't Pokemon or Mario?
2 years agoThe non-pokemon ones I played the most were:
DMG: Kirby’s Dreamland 2
GBC: Shante
GBA: Drilldozer
Platformers to me always felt like the best suited games to handheld games, and I love the bright colorful art styles. Drilldozer is definitely my all time favorite. If you can find a copy, I’d highly recommend it! The rumble pack cartridge is so cool.
Thank you for reminding me to purge boxes again; It’s probably time._ I will admit I do like to keep the ones with fancy artwork_.
The little plastic trays things come in (fans especially) though, those are worth their weight in gold. I always keep them for sorting things like twist ties, small wires, and tiny extra screws, etc in drawers.