Lmao what. Sure it covers philosophy 101, but not as smart as say, Dark, Mr Robot, Better Call Saul, Watchmen etc.
Lmao what. Sure it covers philosophy 101, but not as smart as say, Dark, Mr Robot, Better Call Saul, Watchmen etc.
Taking the time to learn gimp is worthwhile. Its really powerful once you know how to use it IMO
Tbh I’m here for it. The reboot trilogy is legitimately fantastic and beautifully realised films
Oh same here. Great way to put it. Prey is a masterpiece
Hasn’t read the article methods but still decided to comment: cOrReLaTiOn dOeSn’t eQuAl cAuSaTiOn
Modern Australian politicians from the 2 majors only does what daddy USA tells us to do. Did we do good UwU? Pls may we get a crumb daddy USA?
Yo shhhh, keep it down!!! Rick and Morty is hidden sigma knowledge only. You can’t be sending virgin minds directly to the smartest goatest show of all time like that without any brain training and a Duolingo accreditation of at least 5 languages. Remember what happened to Prometheus? Yeah that will be you if you don’t keep it on the down low.