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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023

  • Yeah - the condition I have is ARFID. I do see a therapist, but they can’t really “cure” texture aversion. I’ve found adaptations that fit my lifestyle.

    I just wanted to share because there are a lot of stigmas around disordered eating - there’s an assumption that “picky” eating is a lack of willpower or a character flaw. Food is such a basic need that our brains can be very strongly wired in incorrect ways.

  • I got the manager certification a long time ago, and it oddly made it worse. Weird things like being convinced that my refrigerator isn’t consistently keeping temperature or that the plastic in the packaging has holes in it. Texture sets me off and there’s a lot of variation I’m sensitive to.

    I can’t get a family sized bag of chips or cereal for example, because I can only eat them the same day I opened the package. I know that there is nothing wrong with them, but the thought of a stale one upsets me. I love apples, but rarely eat them because I don’t want to risk a mushy one. I know a mushy apple or stale chips aren’t “contaminated” but they feel intensely like they are.

  • It’s frustrating as an adult with ARFID/eating disorders. I can’t bring myself to eat leftovers because I worry that they are contaminated. I’ve thrown away so much food because I won’t reuse a pasta sauce jar if it has been opened.

    A lot of the common “easy” meals are things that I absolutely will not eat - spaghetti, canned veggies, ground beef. Sometimes I struggle with eating ramen. It’s fucking embarrassing but I literally cannot help it. I will gag and puke if my brain decides I can’t eat something.

  • Come check out Oklahoma! Where you can be both the Secretary of Transportation and head the Turnpike authority (at least for a year, until the attorney general gets off his ass)! You can opt out of complying with state law (the Open Meetings Act) if you really really want to bulldoze thousands of family homes to build a toll road and don’t like that people have opinions on it.

    There’s no guarantee that your kids teacher is even background checked, much less that they are qualified to teach the subject they are teaching! Thousands of dollars in COVID funds earmarked for education went to buying Christmas trees and TVs. (State superintendent and Secretary of Education also got to be positions held by the same person - with two paychecks!) We also are trying to be national leaders in ignoring the first amendment and establishing a religious online charter school!

  • andros_rex@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldClose call
    1 month ago

    My ex bought FIFA/NBA every year as it came out like clock work. Set the game to the easiest possible settings, but complained about rubber banding and reset the quarter when he lost.

    The one time I got him to do laundry, he threw away half of our socks. He didn’t want to find pairs. My fancy dress socks, my novelty socks - all in the trash when I get home from work.

    Liking certain video games isn’t itself a red flag, it’s that mindless, video games as avoidance/wish fulfillment that’s concerning.

  • Palahnuik has written an auto cannibalism scene. In Haunted, girl passes out, other people decide to eat her (framing story is that it’s a reality tv show, but they all want it to go wrong and kill each other, it is extremely fucked up and is where “Guts” is from if you’ve ever been subjected to that). She wakes up to the smell of her own ass in the microwave.

  • This kind of behavior mystifies me. I get that it can be frustrating to deal with lazy folks, but especially with how shit google/ddg are nowadays, when people are looking for help and are met with this kind of treatment it’s pretty discouraging! I’ve been an Arch user for about a decade, and sometimes I run into problems that should be googleable but aren’t.

    It’s especially concerning, considering how tech illiterate the next generation is. They’re very used to walled gardens, and if they can barely manage a MacBook, they’re going to really struggle starting with things like the command line.

    Lighting a candle leaves you with two lit candles. There’s no reason to gatekeep knowledge.

  • andros_rex@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldWhoops
    6 months ago

    The Schrödinger equation is a multi variable second order partial differential equation. You end up with a “position operator” and a “momentum operator” (momentum is mass times velocity, so we focus on the velocity bit). Because of the way that taking a partial derivative works, you end up applying one you can’t get the other.

    Idk that’s probably a terrible explanation (I got a C in that class lol), but it is really cool when you see how the math works.

  • In my specific context I’m usually tutoring and not introducing the concepts - they’ve all learned PEMDAS and changing one letter is much easier. I suggest “groups” because they absolutely struggle with manipulating expressions inside radicals. I usually pair it with a short discussion of the purpose of notation.

    I appreciate your mention of the importance of teaching the difference between operators and terms. My pedagogical background is in the sciences and I’m much better at doing math than teaching it 😅

    I would like if math classes (in my area) did more explicitly teach the difference between terms and operators. I say “you can’t divide out the log” pretty much every day.

  • The extent to which Chris was “Made the way he was by the trolls” is often overstated, friendly reminder when he sexually assaulted his own mother he wasn’t goaded into it, tricked, or blackmailed, he did it of his own freewill and his trolls were not only shocked he did this, but were the ones who reported this to the police in the first place.

    Bella is not a good source. There’s already evidence that she has fabricated other texts.

  • I recognize that Chris Chan is bat shit insane, but I also believe fundamentally that we should refer to people by their preferred pronouns. I’m not going to put myself in the position of deciding who meets my requirements of being trans - epistemologically that’s a very hard thing to “prove.” I don’t like the precedent of this person is bad/crazy so they aren’t valid as trans people - we don’t “earn” our right to be called the correct pronoun. Would I have concerns about Chris Chan being sane enough to make reasonable decisions about HRT? Yes - but there’s zero harm in acknowledging the pronouns she prefers.

    I just really think it’s dangerous to let the internet decide who is “allowed” to be considered trans. I’m a transgender man myself - I’ve experienced significant sexual trauma and there is definitely a narrative that women who aren’t really trans are tricked into transitioning because of sexual trauma.

    I also do think in Christory there’s more evidence than just the Idea Guys. She historically showed a lot of disgust and comfort with penises and men. I understand not wanting her in “our camp” but I strongly believe in referring to people the way they wish to be referred to.

    I think the true horror of Chris Chan’s story is that the internet can harass a severely disabled person for several decades, and folks will treat this as acceptable or deserved. Chris Chan’s break with reality makes sense - how many fake girlfriends have there been now? - but people really love the craziness. I actually like her work (in an outsider artist sense) but someone should have stopped this insanity two decades ago.