I would argue just like Juno did that the naloxone dose being too high has nothing to do with ease of administration as that’s already ensured by the spray being so easy to use. it looks more like severe negligence and ableism from the pharma companies to me.
as far as I understand, accounting for the nasal route only having 50% bioavailability, shouldn’t a nasal spray have a maximum of 0.8 mg of naloxone? Juno said that there are people working on putting lower doses on the market for general distribution.
they also mention that it’s possible to stop the overdose without ruining someone’s high but that probably requires more educated training than most harm reduction resources offer. sounds to me like people are shifting blame from themselves forcing someone into withdrawal to the substance user being “violent” (this is extremely rare and mostly a rumor started by copaganda and ableist healthcare workers).
it’s more complicated than that as it involves fucking with someone’s cognitive state without their consent, it’s not as simplistic as “blowing someone’s high”. if you look in Juno’s playlist they have a video mentioning that sending someone into withdrawal can sometimes be more dangerous than an overdose.
also, why risk sending them into withdrawal when you can do your due diligence instead?
you’re right, it would probably go horribly because most medics are fucking ghouls when it comes to substance users. they treat them like subhumans. and that’s exactly the reason why they’re lagging behind compared to street medics and harm reduction professionals. that’s what leads to doctors administering naloxone to punish patients even when they’re not ODing, just because they enjoy seeing them suffer.
that’s why you sometimes see people bragging about how they administered 2 doses at once instead of waiting because they’re more concerned with making the victim sober than keeping them safe.
it boils down to whether you respect substance users’ autonomy or you’re just doing it to be seen as a savior. ask around the people that have been woken up with nasal sprays versus IM and they’ll tell you why they fucking hate it