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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Godamn that reminds me of college, I had a class at 7-8ish in the morning but the only bus that could get me there in time left around 5am so I was waking up at 4am to get ready. I would just find a bench to go to sleep until my class started at that point. I had classes throughout the day with hours in between each one so I would stay most of the day at college, spending a lot of time sleeping and trying to study / do homework. The bus is not free for students here. No trains here either. I am not able-bodied so I can’t just walk but it’s a 40 minute drive from where I lived to college with a long highway so I don’t think people are walking that anyway.

    I can definetly sympathize with you, it sounds very rough. Just gotta hang in there!

  • I had to take the bus and it left at *7:00am so I was waking up around 6ish everyday. I was constantly tired and had trouble staying awake in school. Taking the bus back put me at arriving at 4pm home. It was awful tbh. I see grade school years, especially high school, as the worst years of my life followed closely by early adulthood in college.

  • I was talking about the metal arms stretching, it stretches because it would clip horribly and wouldn’t follow the arm movement properly.

    But for breast size, you have to make two versions of the armor with breasts and without breasts (flat like a man’s chest) that are basically swapping parts of the outfit out as a “slider” (these have to be remade completely). Then people like me will want breast sliders that are small breasts to larger breasts (these would be morphs so you can’t add or remove geometry to make them, instead you would try to mold them) and so you’re making quite a few different versions of the outfit just to make sliders work and high/low weights for them. The second set of sliders would be more popular but some games don’t even give us that lol. It takes development time for this stuff and making AAA video games is all about cutting corners, crunching, trying to do everything with as little money spent as possible, etc. Making sliders can easily double to triple the work required. Ever look at the baldurs gate 3 mod section searching for a larger breast version? You’re gonna run into clipping galore since every outfit has to be redone and the mods don’t redo every outfit. The Sims is the only game series I know that care enough about giving people sliders for everything.

    I’ve played every major Sims game and they all had the clipping issue for hair and clothes. To make things like belts and pockets work they paint them on in the textures. Same way underwear is made. Saints Row had sliders but there was still clipping with it, for instance necklaces were floating on top of the outfits whether you had a shirt on or not (this also happened on Sims) just to try to minimize clipping. Another tactic used in games is to not have long hair, keep it above the shoulders as much as possible.

    Body hair has to be remade for both character models, but that would probably be less work than sliders. Work still has to be done, it’s not as simple as copy + paste.

    Anyway, that’s just my rambling. It takes a lot of development time to make sliders work which is why it gets omitted a lot. I hope more games allow more sliders, but I understand why a game wouldn’t do it.

  • It would be a lot worse if they tried doing what you want and make armor not bend/deform but have the arms bend with the skeleton anyway. I take it you haven’t done much gamedev when it comes to 3D modeling/animating? You should really get into it and try for yourself. You can even mod a game so you don’t have to make everything yourself from scratch. You’ve made up your mind that it is inexcusable without trying it for yourself.

    Hair clips because it doesn’t have physics on it usually, preventing the clipping would mean calculating the hair colliding with whatever else which can be taxing on the engine. Video games need to have the least amount of taxing resources in order to run smoothly, especially on older hardware. Many games choose to make hair static instead because of this.

    What games are you talking about btw? I’m in my 30s and I remember games always being like this. You might be having some rose colored glasses going on, I very much remember how jank early games were haha

  • I too like having sliders in my games but it takes extra time and effort to make these sliders work. You have to change the shape of the body without adding or removing polygons. And you have to get rid of the jank that appears (parts poking out weirdly/overlapping) when using the slider. It’s not as easy as you think. For something like the Sims, it means making each outfit three times for the three body types and a high and low version for every slider option. Not every game has time/money for this type of development. Swapping out body hair is much more doable. But swapping out breasts is not doable unless they make each outfit have a version with breasts and a version without.

    I don’t think the games are doing stuff like this out of malice, I think they just didn’t feel a need to spend extra resources or doubling their work to cater to a smaller population that really likes sliders. It’s funny though when you see Baldur’s Gate allow female bodies to have a penis but not allow sliders for the boobs and butt.