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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • This stuff always makes me laugh. Firstly, yes absolutely, Microsoft shouldn’t do this sort of crap. But more importantly, the person complaining about it here is shouting out for the world to hear “I don’t know how to manage Windows servers properly!”. There is one single group policy setting that stops this from happening. A single, set-and-forget GPO. Anyone managing Windows environments that isn’t aware of this, shouldn’t be managing Windows environments.

  • We’re not talking about whether the game is “fun”, though, which is largely what people are complaining about. Cyberpunk was a fucken mess at launch and was missing plenty of promised features. In comparison Starfield is in significantly better shape performance and stability-wise, even if a lot of people are disappointed in it as a game.

    Assuming this hate boner for Starfield dies down (once the next game comes along that the internet decides deserves its wrath) and assuming Bethesda stick to their promise of new content etc in 2024, I think we will indeed see it turn those reviews around.

    Edit to add: I think Cyberpunk today is a much better game than Starfield today. If you only played it at launch you missed out on a LOT of improvements.

  • Yes I know what you said, peanut. So either you’re an idiot who decided to drop their meaningless comment in or you’re not an idiot and you know very well that we are talking about the relative states at launch of Starfield, Cyberpunk and No Mans Sky. Just because you finished the game doesn’t mean the game was anywhere near finished, to the extent that it took a further two years of development for them to get it into reasonable shape.

  • Cyberpunk 1.5 came out two years and two months after the game launched (yeah I didn’t realise it was that long either until I just looked it up).

    I disagree that Bethesda did the things you say they did but I understand your point.

    Agreed the inventory is ass. The mod to improve it made a world of difference. I assume Beth were trying to keep it simple but man it is just a turd.

    I don’t mind the empty planets but really wish they let you take off and land seamlessly like NMS. That really felt clunky.