Huh. TIL. Had always seen consciousness or conscious mind.
Huh. TIL. Had always seen consciousness or conscious mind.
Not seeing it. Please explain.
You’re right, and it’s spelled conscience.
So one of my group had us fight a Garbage Mound which was a custom shambling mound. To hit it, players had to roll under its AC. Thankfully our friend Kevin rolled 1,2,5,1 and soloed it.
As with any hunt, the biggest ones are the most impressive. Nobody’s going to commend you for taking down a scrawny one when there are billion point bucks out there.
Maybe I’m an outlier, but omnipresent AI cameras would ensure bad behavior in my case.
::sigh:: Again, you’re making it about race, when we hate the rich assholes who did and do that shit just as much as you do. So yeah, that is racism. Ya damn fool.
Oh, our ancestors were fucking awful humans, and our current ruling class is even worse, but don’t lump us common folk in with them, ya fuckin’ racist.
This is what one would expect Plain Simple Garak the Tailor to say.
Out loud.