I mean, that’s really the goal of the MMORPG genre though isn’t it? Having played pretty much all the big ones now, I think FFXIV has the best sense of community though. The last time played WoW it seemed kind of dead community-wise, even the guild I joined. No one talked in it. It sucked.
ESO was good too when I played it, but I haven’t played ESO since 2018, so I have no clue how it is now. I’m currently playing GW2 and I have seen very little interaction or guild advertisement, but that may be because I am playing the free version and hBdnt bought any of the expansions yet, so my character is somewhat limited.
Yeah, it’s super interesting, and part of why it’s replaced WoW as the MMO I will always end up going back to when nothing else scratches the MMO itch.