I use a pretty wacky Mesa build for Deimos in general, mostly because she can melt just about anything that’s there in a second. I also use my Felarx for everything else
I use a pretty wacky Mesa build for Deimos in general, mostly because she can melt just about anything that’s there in a second. I also use my Felarx for everything else
Here to stay, personally. Reddit seemed to mostly be a cesspool of negativity so it was never fun to engage. I think there is some information on the subreddit that might be useful, but the majority of information can be found on the forums or wiki. I can agree that read only would be a decent compromise
I’ll get the biggest package for 75% discounts, and might get the 5$ packs when I get 20% discounts if I need some extra plat to keep going. Haven’t seen a 75% in a long time though
The Vectis is a good weapon at a low rank, does high damage and can help against Eximus that give you trouble. Imo sticking with either rifles or shotguns will help, since you can pour more effort into one category’s mods and get stronger overall. Otherwise it’ll take twice as long to get both sets of mods leveled up to do content
Warframe, just hit over 2k hours. I have a plethora of other games that are over 300 hours each like Rimworld, Fallout NV, etc