This is the bullshit that deserves shouting and death threats
This is the bullshit that deserves shouting and death threats
Don’t forget “14 years old”.
rape jokes
great 🙄
You might’ve missed the point.
Did the time traveler he met in the latter’s past help him cross the Atlantic or create the Atomic Bomb? 🤔
Just reminded me of the concern people brought up when GOG Galaxy was starting out: Once most people are using the launcher, we’re a few steps away from losing the installers. 😐🤷🏿♂️
Ew, that looks so fattening. Hope I never see it on a menu. 👀
Somehow… old memes have returned.
All rich in comparison, sure, but most of us are probably struggling to maintain our lifestyle or investing in a better future for ourselves and/or loved ones. Atleast some of which is keeping up with the Joneses. Issue now becomes a matter of resources. How much time, energy, finances, patience do you have left over to help strangers in another country? How do you justify (to your peers aswell as yourself) aiding foreigners before your own?
Billionaires likely have a very similar situation going on. Just on a very incomprehensible level due to how far away their class is from lower and middle. Do they have as good of an excuse, though? From the outside looking in, I doubt it. Maybe the necessary security and cost of housing (why would they live in a poor neighborhood and risk burglary or death?) brings their finances down further than we realize. Would explain why they avoid taxes so much, but that’s some benefit of the doubt shit. They could just be greedy as hell and have a class culture that encourages it along with wasteful spending. Who knows. Maybe, like a classic White, they’re taught to hate “the poors”.
I gotta go. ✌🏿
And the AutoModerator notification link: https://i.imgur.com/7Yzm2IS.jpg
Thanks. Shit’s deliciously wrong.
edit: But you know what… having recently watched The Blackenning (2023)… it honestly feels very… White.
A while ago, I had a comment auto-removed on WPT and got a message it was because my account was “not in good standing.” When I messaged the WPT mods, they explained that they were test piloting a new tool the admins plan to use.
I’mma need some sauce for dat pasta. That’s too wild to not post screenshots.
VLC player iirc.
Xtreme Download Manager lets you do this with ease (and more) and can check for the latest yt-dlp version before downloading on its own.
MPC-HC lets you play and download YouTube videos using yt-dlp.
F12 and searching that mass of incoherence for “maxdefault” (iirc) is how I grab YouTube thumbnails.
@deepfake This is what I use boosts for. Should be between reply and more.
How about a spreadsheet release (on GitHub) so we can easily filter things out? 👀
Free Palestine