Probably won’t have time personally to join, but I’m excited to see the results of this first FediJam!
I come from a land Mastodon under:
Probably won’t have time personally to join, but I’m excited to see the results of this first FediJam!
Any chance we can get a relative link that lets that tab finder thread open via my instance? I’m not sure how to structure the URL for that yet.
Excellent! I participated in a jam a couple years ago on, and though I got ahead of myself trying to learn enough Unity and Blender in one week to make a game and though the game didn’t come to fruition… I had a good time and learned a lot.
Looking forward to doing it again. In moderation.
Nine days seems just about right!
Peertube, Odysee, and YouTube via Newpipe or another client/proxy are my first suggestions. I also enjoy some content from Nebula on occasion.
For those transfer fees alone, I should be switching to yearly donations, but I’m about half half monthly and yearly right now. Looking at the ones I support via Patreon, not all of them actually offer a yearly option though.