Everyone else: 311223
Everyone else: 311223
Company: You need to have everything ready before the start of your shift.
Me: Do I get paid for coming in early?
Company: No
Me: Okay, if I’m starting before my shift time then I am going home early to make up for the lost time.
Company: If you leave 1 minute early we have to deduct an hour from your wages
Me: leaves
Company: nobody wants to work anymore.
Companies have normalised wage theft but call it what it is. It’s theft.
The top left one is kinda cool, ngl. Not very effective but think of the jabbing you could do with it!
Natural, healthy, positive growth! Not growth for growths sake
I remember this from something awful first, that was the 00s lol
This is chaos, I love chaos!
This is the way, we did it… - u/spez
Don’t meet your heroes