I have seen both issues, when the sketcher starts to play up sometime I add more constraints to try to “anchor” a tangent in a certain direction but it can make the sketch messy The most reliable way I’ve found to stop it is small incremental changes e.g. say I want the length of a part to change my 40mm I’ll change the size in 5mm increments allowing FC to recompute the model between each step. It’s fiddly and frustrating but I can live with it, once you get to understand it’s quirks Freecad can be very useful
I keep Linux and windows on separate disks, grub or windows boot manager don’t know about each other. I have the Linux disk as the primary boot, if I need to boot into windows i use the bios boot selection screen. It’s a bit of a pain at times(have to mash F12 to get the bios boot menu) bit it’s less of a headache than trying to fix grub