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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Your assumption of what the graph displays is wrong. Yes, it lacks a lot of information and the post could have clarified more.

    But at the bottom of the graph you can see that the x-axis is years. Which is a strong indication that this graph displays the life expectancy of latin american countries. Whicha quick goolge seems to confirm. And it shows that El Salvador ranks poorly even amongst them. Since most migrants move to a country for a better life, the pool of countries that El Salvador can pull from is rather small.

    But that obviously misses the point that many people who would move to El Salvador on using this opportunity either move there to help improve the situation for the average person. Or at the very least would have enough money to afford a better lfiestyle and not be affected by the average life expectancy. Which obviously is going to be low for a country that suffers from poverty and gang violence as El Salvador does.

    So the “general” assumption of migrants moving to a “better” countries doesn’t quite apply here.

  • It’s not a legitimate competition, that’s the entirely point. The claim is AI models rely on stealing content and changing it slightly or not all. And if a “regular” journalist does this, they would get into trouble. Just because the entity switches to an AI company doesn’t make this business model legitimate.

    A few years ago there was a big plagiarism scandal on IGN because one of their “journalists” mostly took reviews of other people, changed a few words, and published it. Obviously that’s not fine.

  • Kids being able to openly participate on porn sites would be a feast for pedophiles and groomers. We already have enough trouble with that on social media and dating sites/apps. And while in an ideal situation there just wouldn’t be bad people, sometimes we need to protect people from themselves because of others.

    So while I am open for a discussion about lowering the age requirement, I still firmly believe a minimum age is required. But whether that’s 14, 16, or 18 I don’t know.

  • I am in favor of stricter age verification for certain content. Not only for porn but also dating apps, social media, online shops, etc. But the current methods of age verification are a privacy nightmare and go well beyond what is reasonable. Especially since companies can’t be trusted to not do bad stuff with that information.

    What is necessary is a double anonymity age verification service. Ideally run by a company that by law is required to be very transparent. That way we don’t have to provide personal information to companies that have no actual need for it but can still reduce the amount of minors getting into places they shouldn’t be.

    Yes, it won’t be perfect, yes there will always be bad actors, but it will still do more good than harm.

    I personally am open for a discussion about reducing the minimum age to view porn. I don’t have strong feelings either way.

  • YouTube doesn’t have a say in this, it’s up to the copyright holder of each individual song. YouTube just detects if a song is copyrighted or not then gives the owner the option what to do. The three common ones are

    • Disable the Video.
    • Claim Monetization of it.
    • Do nothing.

    So whoever holds the rights to Phil Collins song is the one responsible for your video being disabled. While whoever holds the rights to the song Joe Schmo decided to go with option 2 or 3.

    This process has mostly been automated. So it feels like YouTube is doing it but they are just following the orders of the copyright holder.

    The system is a bit overzealous in some cases and even fair use gets flagged.That’s on YouTube. But to be fair, it’s very hard to have an automated system detect the difference between fair use and not. YouTube should just implement a better way to dispute false copyright claims.

  • Hillock@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    You fail to understand the roots of that hatred of landlords. The people aren’t really upsets at the individual landlord but the system that allows private landlords to exist. They want to change that system.

    Op is being fucked because of someone else with no fault of their own. If private landlords wouldn’t exist, OP wouldn’t be fucked. And OPs landlord wouldn’t have to fuck someone over because they are in a bad situation.

    So this has little to do with entitlement and with not wanting to be fucked over by someone else for no fault by your own.

  • Head over to the website of the company go to the about section and read about their values. They usually list something like teamwork, communication, working autonomously, speed, or quality. You pick 2-3 of these values and that’s what you talk about when they ask about yourself.

    For the actual technical part it’s hard to prepare for. Most people don’t actually care about you being perfect but just want to see if you actually are familiar with what you said you are. So as long as you have an idea what you are talking about you will be fine.

    Even if you don’t know the answer, just come up with something that could work. Don’t just say you don’t know. Explain your train of thought as to why your solution could work. And any other ideas you might have.

  • First take some time to actually define the lifestyle you want. It’s very easy in today’s world to get tunnel vision on your career. But once you have financial stability more money doesn’t necessarily make you happier. Trying to move up the career ladder could prevent you from enjoying life. That’s where the saying “money doesn’t make happy” comes from.

    But if advancing is important to you there are still ways to achieve this. Consider moving abroad for a few years. Especially the middle east has ton of good job offers and since many people you will work with there aren’t English native speakers your pronunciation shouldn’t hold you back. UAE, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain all have a very vibrant expat community. They are more likely to value your experience and offer you a higher position. Then after 2-3 years you can go back with a stronger CV.

    Or you can consider picking up a remote job, move to a tropical island and enjoy a more relaxed life. That’s what I did (not as a programmer but still remote work). A salary that barely let’s you survive in the west let’s you have a very comfortable lifestyle. You only have to consider the visa issue but for most countries that means just leaving for 1-2 days every 90 days. And with the extra spare money taking short flights/vacations is easily doable.

    Both option obviously depend a bit on your social life.

    I only have very limited knowledge about programming. But I do know that some languages are fairly new. So you switching around isn’t necessarily bad. Just focus on something that’s fairly new and then you are on a level playing field.

    And if you haven’t done so yet. Spend a few bucks on a professional CV writer. If your interview rate is so low there is a good chance your CV is bad. The job market is crazy at the moment and getting tons of rejections isn’t uncommon. But with 20 years of experience it shouldn’t be that bad.

  • I don’t understand this. I am totally happy for the guy and he obviously deserves it. It’s a total dick move to fire someone so close to their retirement but the law is still very confusing.

    His contracts totaled 8 years which would make him eligible for the conversion but the article says he was just short of the 5 years. Does the law only considered contracts signed after the law passed? If so isn’t the entire point of the 5 year duration that employers can terminate the contract just before that time?

    Do you manually have to apply to convert the contract to indefinitely after 5 years and if you don’t you don’t get the benefits? In which case again, why did he receive the “special” treatment?

    I have way more questions than answers after reading the article.

  • In BG3 encumbrance is so pointless. The increased carry capacity and reduced armor weight make it a non-factor. The few times you actually reach it you just sort by weight and send some of the heavier stuff to camp. You can even do it during combat. So they should have just gotten rid of it. You are bringing all your resources at all times anyhow and the inventory manamgent is still terrible.

    The current system is just a minor inconvenience because you will have to go to your camp when you reach a vendor and want to get rid of some of the extra stuff. I would much prefer it if they either stick to the base rules, with base weight values and encumbrance starting at 5x the strength value. Then one would have to make actual decisions on what to bring. But right now, even with 8 strength you never have any issues. Or they just get rid of it.

    And that’s how I feel about encumbrance in general. Most games have such absurd high carry limits that the system doesn’t add anything and just becomes an inconvenience and annoyance.

  • It’s not the standard, it’s just something that started to pop up in some university courses. Anything before that we usually are just graded 1-6/A-F. But even 15 years ago when I attended University there were a few courses that required a 70%+ for passing and what I have heared this has become more common. It’s basically to weed out people and reduce the number of students since university is usually free.

  • I blame the school grading system for it. 70% and below is already a failing grade in many courses. So by extension anything that gets rated 7 or below is asscoiated with failure.

    I am not from the US, so I don’t know how long this grading system has been in use there but here in Central Eruope that’s a rather new thing. That’s why a 5/10 didn’t feel as bad 20 years ago while today a 7/10 feels worse.

  • Firefox loss in market share is more complicated. It’s mostly due to growth in areas Firefox never had a foothold. Mainly the mobile browser and the Asian market (which mostly is mobile on top of it). On the desktop front in US and especially Europe the situation isn’t nearly as dire as the global stats imply.

    Firefox Android recently implemented extension support, so perhaps we will see some increased use there. But the majority of mobile users simply don’t care and considering how interlocked Google and Android is, there is little hope for a third party browser gaining a foothold.

    Brave had a lot of controversies and that’s because their aggressive marketing strategy is so expensive. That’s why they did shady stuff like hijacking links and insering their own affiliate codes. Something I don’t want Mozilla doing with Firefox. Also Brave uses Chromium and the future of Chromium seems bleek. If it actually starts disabling support for adblock extensions then Brave has no future at all.

  • Mozilla can’t compete against Google. Any attempts of growing their marketshare by advertising is going to fail. Google will just outspend them. Then Mozilla will either go bankrupt or have to recoup their investment by jumping on the data collection train. I much prefer they stay sensible with their business modell and focus on being sustainable. Firefox will naturally grow as people start caring more and more about their online-privacy.

    Same with any kind of new innovations or projects. I don’t want to outright discourage them but I much prefer their current pace of doing things slow and safely. Because if we lose Firefox due to Mozilla taking some kind of gamble the alternative browsers remaing don’t really seem appealing.

  • Gaming laptops aren’t a scam, they fill a niche. For people like me they are the best option available. I travel frequently and then stay there for usually a few months before having to travel again. So a desktop doesn’t work for me at all. I need a decent computer for work. Most business laptop that fill my needs are also on the heavier side. The ones that are portable usually have integraded gpu’s, which just doesn’t work for me. So the step from business laptop that fills my needs to gaming laptop is minimal.

    All of the drawbacks of a gaming laptop are barely affecting me. And while this seems like an edgecase, there are a lot more people who have needs that a gaming laptop fulfills and can’t be met by other devices.

  • I can recommend the Acer Nitro 5 series. Have it for a few years now. The main drawbacks are

    Portability - You will run into this issue a lot with gaming laptops. But the Nitro series is probably one the lower end when it comes to portability. Especially if you go with the 17 inch screen. It’s heavy and big.

    Speakers - the newest series apparently upgraded them, but the one I have has terrible built in speakers. I use a headset anyhow while playing. So doesn’t concern me. But it just can’t be used to watch movies together in bed.

    Fan noise - It can get very noisy, especially during gaming session. If you are using a headset, you aren’t noticing it. But it can be distracting to others in the room.

    Batter life - It’s just bad, even if you aren’t gaming. But again, while playing you are usually plugged in anyway.

    Overall none of the big issues affect me. But could be a dealbreaker for others.

    The big pros:

    Available in 17 inch - which was a must for me.

    Decent cooling - Just make sure you get a 2021 or later model.

    Easy to upgrade internal storage & ram - you can put 2 additional SSDs inside. And even upgrading the ram is super easy. This also means they aren’t charging absurd amounts for upgrading the stock variant from 256gb to 512 or even 1tb.

    Performance for the price - It’s not a end of the line model but for the price you will get decent performance.