33% is the easy one… 1/3 of 6 is 2, 1/3 of 1 is 0.33… 2.33…
33% is the easy one… 1/3 of 6 is 2, 1/3 of 1 is 0.33… 2.33…
It actually is. We all have problems. Humanity formed society to solve problems. Society has been hijacked (for a loooong time in many different ways) to extract value from others. Some people want to combat that.
Some “have their own problems to deal with”
Now imagine if you lived in a society where someone gave a shit about your problems. And maybe they even have the skills and resources to fix them more efficiently than you would. Or not, does it matter, theyre willing to help.
Thanks a lot for the post! Super nice to hear. Would also like to point out that “the customer is always right” was originally meant for sales. I.e. if they want a meat themed car, sell it to them, dont tell them its in bad taste. So for more ways than one treat those that serve you with respect. Theyre serving the community, not your servants.
Bro you’re gross. 21 year old travels to another country and has sex with a 12 year old. This was not a technicality.