Sweet, just backing up the family photos then?
Sweet, just backing up the family photos then?
What are you putting in them?
Save me!
This meme format is fantastic
Oops, my b, misunderstood. I prefer civ V, and seems like a fair number of people do too. I like the art style, and game mechanics better in V. Admittedly though I could never really get into VI, but it seems like a lot of people prefer it too.
I don’t, but now I want one!!
V = 5, fancy roman numbers
Well ya, look at it, it’s a moldy loaf of bread!!!
Civ V, every few months I decide to completely fuck up my sleep schedule playing later than I should
This is a fantastic documentary on Tetris by Gaming Historian. Fascinating history about its development in the Soviet Union and how it came to be a launch title for Nintendo.
And in the case of 2024 year old baby Jesus, the Holy Spirit is… NOT the Father!